Not Fully Dressed Until I Put On My Hat
Oct 28th, 2021 by Aldouspi

Here is on one of my latest memes – an attempt at humor with a little sexiness – which features a beautiful woman wearing a bikini top and a hat:

Fully Dressed Meme

The hat makes all the difference!

The art in the meme is based upon this image from Pixibay ->

Woman in bikini and hat

This pinup beauty features an orange bikini and a hat.

I saw the image while browsing – the saying popped out of my imagination – and a couple of minutes later I produced the meme. I used the following website to put it together: MoolaMeme (This is an affiliate link.)

I use the memes I make in lots of places – they come in handy when I post something at, for example, and want to add a more meaningful picture. I also use them to make a visible comment at Facebook.

Making memes is even better when I can utilize one of my other passions which is the art of beautiful women pinups in bikinis!

Interested in the latest Bikini Fashions, here are some related articles from googlenews.

News About Bikini Fashion

Vintage Swimsuit Pin-up by HA! Designs – Artbyheather
Sep 25th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Vintage Swimsuit Pin-up by HA! Designs – Artbyheather

Image by HA! Designs – Artbyheather

More Vintage Swimsuit Pin-ups For Sale

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