Nice Back Tattoo Pin-up Photo
Nov 29th, 2010 by Aldouspi

Nice Back Tattoo Pin-up Photo plus other pin-up art images I found:

Tea, Pin-Up Model (03) – Tattoo Art Fest (090) – 18-20Sep09, Paris (France)
pin-up art
Image by philippe leroyer
[Taken in Paris (France) – 18Sep09]

During three days, the biggest french tattoo convention, the Tattoo Art Fest, took place, for the third time, in the Parc Floral and gathered 7000 visitors around more than 150 world wide tattoo artists, featuring tattoo contests, burlesque shows, graffiti artists, photo exhibitions, and concerts.

See all the photos of this convention in this set : 18-20Sep09 – Tattoo Art Fest [Event]
See all the body art photos in this set : [Body Art]
See all the random portraits in this set : Portraits [Random]

This serie contains nude pictures that you can NOT see, unless you’re signed in on flickr (and have your safe filter off).
Or by clicking this link :
And THEN visit this set : [NUDES – Pass]

DSC01738 mosaic pin-up girl and spheres
pin-up art
Image by godutchbaby
Blogged here

pin up art on trailer
pin-up art
Image by CapturedSomewhereInTime

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The New American Pin-up: Tattooed & Pierced Reviews
Oct 26th, 2010 by Aldouspi

The New American Pin-up: Tattooed & Pierced

  • ISBN13: 9780764331640
  • Condition: New

This new book continues the tradition of the American pin-up girl, while taking it to new territory. It celebrates not only the stunning beauty of the models, but the artistry of tattoos and piercings that adorn their bodies. These new cultural icons are sassy, alluring, bold, outspoken, gorgeous, and proud to show off their assets.
The 46 women who posed for the stunning photographs all wear creative body art by some of the most talented tattooers and body piercers in the world. They share their thoughts about tattoos and life in brief character sketches that accompany the pictures. Readers quickly learn that their body art is emblematic of the empowerment they share and the zeal with which they live their lives.

Rating: (out of 4 reviews)

List Price: $ 24.99

Price: $ 16.41

[phpbay] American Pin-up, 3, “”, “”[/phpbay]

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