Kiera Hudson & The Adoring Artist (Kiera Hudson Series Three Book 3)
Mar 3rd, 2015 by Aldouspi

Kiera Hudson & The Adoring Artist (Kiera Hudson Series Three Book 3)

Kiera Hudson & The Adoring Artist (Kiera Hudson Series Three Book 3)

When Kiera Hudson learns that her new friend and artist, Nev East, is not answering his phone or retuning her calls, she goes in search of him only to discover that he has gone missing.

Enlisting the help of Potter, Kiera starts to follow a series of clues. But why does Potter seem so reluctant to help in the search of Kiera’s friend. But Kiera can’t help but wonder if there isn’t a more sinister reason, than a spark of jealously, stopping Potter from helping her solve the puzzle of t


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Impressionism: A Legacy of Light (Masterpieces of Art Book 1)
Dec 25th, 2014 by Aldouspi

Impressionism: A Legacy of Light (Masterpieces of Art Book 1)

Impressionism: A Legacy of Light (Masterpieces of Art Book 1)

Masterpieces of Art

A visual tour through major art movements, artists and their works

Masterpieces of Art is a series of eBook guides featuring multimedia content and interactive functionality to reveal the story behind major periods in art history. Each eBook provides an engaging and visual account of the development and accomplishments of a significant aesthetic period — whether you’re a novice sticking a toe in the waters of art history or a veteran museum-goer w


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