All Seasons Exercise Pin-up by Ben Levin
Sep 14th, 2011 by Aldouspi

All Seasons Exercise Pin-up by Ben Levin

Seasonal Cheesecake Spread
Pin-up Cartoon
Image by ben levin
I started drawing this lady and couldn’t decide which outfit to put her in. So I drew her dressed appropriately for each season.

I may break each figure up, and draw them in their proper surroundings, who knows.

Also, my color scheme sorta made this an accidental tribute to Chicago.

Exercise Pin-up For Sale

[phpbay]Exercise Pinup, 16, “”, “”[/phpbay]

All Seasons Exercise Pin-up by Ben Levin related articles from the blogosphere…

The Pin Up – September/October 2011 (HQ PDF) » Mediafire

The Pin Up magazine is available in over 200 fine book stores and news stands nationwide and in Canada. Our distribution and subscription numbers will help you and your business to reach a very difficult target audience, the counter-culture.

Publish Date: 09/15/2011 12:24

N.J. women embrace pinup revival through amateur modeling | Azzi

N J Women Embrace Pinup Revival Through Amateur Modeling –

Publish Date: 07/15/2011 16:53

sorta blogless sunday pinup

chronicles features the answer to the latest moveon.idiot ad; jim lynch provides a better working environment; moonbats and a transgendered kindergarterner. moonbattery has the disturbing story; and last, but not least, this ain't hell has photos from the latest moonbat exercise in dc. as always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the patriotic pinup category, or over at my gallery page. while we are on pinups, have you gotten your “pinups for vets” calendar yet?

Publish Date: 06/29/2008 8:06

Legs Like a Pin Up Workout

To follow all of Zuzana’s workouts and diet tips visit her fitness blog: www.BodyRock.Tv

Pin-Up Girl With Feather in Her Hair by Danni Shinya Luo
Mar 29th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Pin-Up Girl With Feather in Her Hair by Danni Shinya Luo

Danni Shinya Luo – Great Pin Up Watercolor Arts
watercolor pin up girl

Pin Up and Cartoon Girls

[phpbay]feather pin-up, 14, “”, “”[/phpbay]

Pin-Up Girl With Feather in Her Hair by Danni Shinya Luo related articles from the blogosphere…

Finished piece called "Feather Dancer" – Not Your Father's PinUp

November (21). ► October (11). ► September (5). ► August (2). ► June (1). ► May (7). ► April (4). ► March (13). Contributors Publications. Girls on Top! The pinup art of Matt Dixon. Gun Gals | Blade Babes Vol 3 by Vinh-Luan Luu …

Publish Date: 03/19/2011 18:10

Naomi and the Modesty Girls : 50's-Pinup-Rockabilly Hair

50’s-Pinup-Rockabilly Hair. This weekend is the Texas Roundup! Not only are there tons of amazing cars, the ladies hairstyles are always a site to see. Hopefully, I will get some awesome pictures. Email This BlogThis! …

Publish Date: 03/29/2011 18:41

What Is A Pin Feather?

I’ll reach in to see if he wants to step up and come out, and he bows his head down, shoving it against my fingers. I can stand there for close to a half hour, breaking apart the shafts of the pin feathers all over his head. …

Publish Date: 01/19/2011 12:30

*New Items from Belle Blossoms*!~ Feather Clips, Fascinators, and more Flowers!

A few more items to show you from my friend’s new company, ‘Belle Blossoms’. Feel free to visit her site: Prices range from: *info to be added* Sophia Dress from Miss Hussy Clothing: (available…

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