10 Cartoon Characters Drawn in the Style of Each Other
Jan 26th, 2016 by Aldouspi


10 cartoon characters drawn in the style of each other by jaako seppala 10 Cartoon Characters Drawn in the Style of Each Other

Artwork by Jaaklo Seppala


Artist Jaaklo Seppala drew this awesome 10×10 matrix featuring 10 cartoon characters drawn in the style of each other.

The 100 characters even include some fun Easter eggs, such as the ‘Calvin & Hobbes’ version of Garfield! There are more, but you’ll have to find them yourself 🙂

For those that don’t recognize all 10 cartoon characters, check out the list below:

1. Asterix
2. Calvin from Calvin & Hobbes
3. Disney’s Donald Duck
4. Captain Haddock from The Adventures of Tintin
5. Batman by Neil Adams
6. Fingerpori
7. Corto Maltese
8. Moomin
9. Garfield
10. Lucy from Peanuts

[Jaaklo Seppala via Lobo2ffs on reddit]



Republican Debate Comics Cartoon by Bors
Sep 23rd, 2015 by Aldouspi

The Republican candidates maybe clowns or maybe they are just comedians as cartoonist Bors suggests…


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