Everyone Has the Right to My Opinion: Investor’s Business Daily Pulitzer Prize-Winning Editorial Cartoonist
Oct 30th, 2014 by Aldouspi

Everyone Has the Right to My Opinion: Investor’s Business Daily Pulitzer Prize-Winning Editorial Cartoonist

Everyone Has the Right to My Opinion: Investor's Business Daily Pulitzer Prize-Winning Editorial Cartoonist

In Everyone Has the Right to My Opinion, Michael Ramirez, the internationally known editorial cartoonist for Investor’s Business Daily, offers a comprehensive collection of his award-winning cartoons, accompanied by an introduction to the images highlighted throughout the book. Each cartoon shows that a picture is worth a thousand words and transforms the news of the day into eye-catching, provocative, and hilarious images that draw people into the democratic process. His commentary on everythin

List Price: $ 34.95

Price: $ 18.99

Herblock: The Life and Works of the Great Political Cartoonist
Aug 12th, 2014 by Aldouspi

Herblock: The Life and Works of the Great Political Cartoonist

Herblock: The Life and Works of the Great Political Cartoonist

A celebration of the man and his work, including a DVD with 18,000-plus cartoons. There was no one like him. Throughout a career spanning seventy-two years and thirteen American presidents, Herblock’s spare, folksy cartoons made complex issues seem simple and moral choices clear. Syndicated throughout the country, his cartoons focused on important issues of the time, making Americans take note of the human folly that is politics.

Published in conjunction with a Library of Congress

List Price: $ 35.00

Price: $ 21.84

Cartoonist’s and Gag Writer’s Handbook

Cartoonist's and Gag Writer's Handbook

Professional advice on how to use props in cartoon; how to switch; whether to use pen or brush; and how to make cliches come alive.


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