Silver Christmas Coins For Sale
Dec 10th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Silver Christmas Coins For Sale

[phpbay]Silver Christmas Coin, 22, “39482”, “”[/phpbay]

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Start Working on Holiday Challenge Coins for the Upcoming Season Now!
Nov 17th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Start Working on Holiday Challenge Coins for the Upcoming Season Now!

By Scott Hayes

challenge coin

Are you in charge of throwing your office holiday party?  If so, let us take one item off your list of things to do.  You can now check off party favors for your party goers because we have a great idea for you.  Choose a challenge coin to hand out to your guests as they come into the party.  Or, if you are having a meal, place one at each setting at the table so that when your guests sit to eat, they will see the coin and have something to converse about with others.

Include Your Company’s Information on One Side of the Challenge Coin

A great idea would be to design a coin in the shape of a Christmas tree or a wrapped present.  You can include your company name, the year, and tie the design back to the theme of your party.  Guests will truly appreciate the challenge coin and keep it for many years to come.  That’s why custom coins make great gifts.  They’re personal, memorable, and unique.

Christmas Challenge Coins for Members of the Military

Another idea for Christmas coins involves the military.  You can create a challenge coin in the shape of an ornament and ship it to your loved ones overseas.  This is a great way to bring the holiday spirit to different parts of the world.  As you can see from the picture here, one of our customers thought this was the perfect idea for them.

Personal Gifts Make a Long Lasting Impression on Recipients

Can you imagine the emotions that will be going through the spouse and children of the solider when they receive a challenge coin in the mail that is in the shape of an ornament?  Every time they walk by the tree, they will instantly think of their loved one.  Such a personalized gift is meaningful and the memory of receiving that coin will last a lifetime.

There is still time left to contact us to begin the design process for your holiday coins.  Remember that coins don’t have to be perfectly round but can actually be just about any shape you can think of (e.g. tree, wreath, presents, candy canes etc.).  Visit today to see samples of coins we have created for other customers.  You can also email or call 1-800-252-0904 to request a free price quote.  We’ll also send you a full color digital proof to look over and approve.

About the Author:

Scott Hayes is a Challenge Coins Plus Sales Manager whose years of experience and attention to detail guarantees his customers are always 100% satisfied. He is the person businesses and organizations trust when it comes to their custom challenge coins needs.  Visit to request a no obligation, free quote. —- Articles Source: Now Is the Time to Start Working on Holiday Challenge Coins for the Upcoming Season

Holiday Challenge Coins For Sale

[phpbay]holiday challenge coin, 16, “”, “”[/phpbay]

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