Devin Lawson
Aug 4th, 2014 by Aldouspi

Devin Lawson has been scribbling on paper since he could hold a pencil. After years of pencil holding and paper scribbling, Devin moved on to art school and received a degree in Animation from the Art Institute of Houston. After graduation, Devin worked freelance for game companies, film studios and design firms.

pin up cartoon girls

modern pin up girl modern pin up girl

modern pin up girl modern pin up girl

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Robert Crumb Original
Apr 18th, 2010 by Aldouspi

robert crumb original

Too few of us will be able to afford a Robert Crumb Original piece of artwork, but there are plenty of signed limited edition books, prints and other art pieces that we can get hold of.

And, who know, maybe one day we will be sitting in a cafe and Mr. Crumb will come and take a liking to us and give us a gift.

Of course, his greatest gift is the body of work he has produced for our enjoyment and for those yet come…

Still if you have several thousand dollars to invest in great art… you may find something to your liking in the auctions listed below!

And for those new to investing in art – buy what you like and can afford today! I have personally seen so many opportunities go by, but I suppose Mr. Natural never buys any art….

Robert Crumb, Genesis, preview.wmv

[affmage source=”ebay” results=”20″]robert crumb original[/affmage]
[affmage source=”amazon” results=”10″]robert crumb original[/affmage]

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