Miss Happ and Cardigan Clips Apr 4th, 2012 by Aldouspi
Miss Happ and Cardigan Clips I love a good cardigan. I have an entire shelf in my cupboard dedicated to them. Part jacket, part sweater — it’s kind of an all year staple for my wardrobe. But let’s face it: Cardigans can get a little mumsy… This is when a little vintage inspired accessory known as the Sweater Clip comes in handy. You may have spotted your grandmother or your local librarian, or Glee guidance counselor Emma Pillsbury (below), rocking these awesome little accessories and Miss Happ is lovin’ them!
They fasten the two sides of your cardigan together, or each side of the collar of the sweater (or just below), and they’re a mix of a broach and a necklace and are great! The sweater clip holds also holds your unbuttoned sweater in place when worn loose on the shoulders in the classic 50’s style.
Trust me, they’re a great way to chic up your sweaters and a fab way to accessorize, and now Miss Happ is doing them too!
I have started off with 3 basic little styles – mine are in the more Rockabilly style where I have used cherries, swallows and a little cute skull as the detail.
check them out on my LOCAL (South African) online store, go to:
Till next time!
Miss Happ Rockabilly and Pin Up Clothing . You can also see more clips at Sweater Clips For Sale .
Cardigan Clips For Sale [phpbay]Cardigan Clips, 19, “”, “”[/phpbay]
How To Make Cardigan Clips
Facebook: www.facebook.com Tumblr: theepumpkinghoul.tumblr.com –You can use any thing to personalize to your liking. Buttons, flowers, bows, earrings can work. I purchased the chain, clips and rings @Michaels.
Miss Happ and Cardigan Clips related articles from the blogosphere… wattlebird: DIY Cardigan Clips
anniehpilon.blogspot.com 3/28/12
If you're like me, and you wear cardigans almost every day, then I'm sure sometimes you can get a little bored with them. The good news is that there are so many ways to add little details to make your sweaters a little less …
Mi Asunta Blue Cardigan Clip | Womens christmas sweaters
womenschristmassweaters.iy9n.com 4/1/12
Mi Asunta Blue Cardigan Clip Description:Dress up your favorite sweaters with the Mi Asunta Blue Cardigan Clip . Offering the feel of a chic, chunky necklace,
Too Stinkin' Cute: Cardigan Clip
toostinkincute.blogspot.com 1/4/12
Cardigan Clip . I own a few vintage cardigan clips & I absolutely love them! They are easy, fun & useful accessory… So when I saw this DIY version. I just knew I had to share! from Much Love. Too Cute! Posted At 6:00 AM …
Cardigan Clips Pin-Up Girl With Feather in Her Hair by Danni Shinya Luo Mar 29th, 2011 by Aldouspi
Pin-Up Girl With Feather in Her Hair by Danni Shinya Luo Danni Shinya Luo – Great Pin Up Watercolor ArtsMore…
Pin Up and Cartoon Girls
[phpbay]feather pin-up, 14, “”, “”[/phpbay]
Pin-Up Girl With Feather in Her Hair by Danni Shinya Luo related articles from the blogosphere…
Finished piece called "Feather Dancer" – Not Your Father's Pin –Up
November (21). ► October (11). ► September (5). ► August (2). ► June (1). ► May (7). ► April (4). ► March (13). Contributors Publications. Girls on Top! The pin –up art of Matt Dixon. Gun Gals | Blade Babes Vol 3 by Vinh-Luan Luu …
Publish Date: 03/19/2011 18:10
Naomi and the Modesty Girls : 50's-Pinup -Rockabilly Hair
50’s-Pinup -Rockabilly Hair. This weekend is the Texas Roundup! Not only are there tons of amazing cars, the ladies hairstyles are always a site to see. Hopefully, I will get some awesome pictures. Email This BlogThis! …
Publish Date: 03/29/2011 18:41
What Is A Pin Feather ?
I’ll reach in to see if he wants to step up and come out, and he bows his head down, shoving it against my fingers. I can stand there for close to a half hour, breaking apart the shafts of the pin feathers all over his head. …
Publish Date: 01/19/2011 12:30
*New Items from Belle Blossoms*!~ Feather Clips, Fascinators, and more Flowers!
A few more items to show you from my friend’s new company, ‘Belle Blossoms’. Feel free to visit her site: www.littlebellesboutique.com Prices range from: *info to be added* Sophia Dress from Miss Hussy Clothing: www.misshussy.bigcartel.com (available…
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