Impressionism Art and Ideas
Oct 9th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Impressionism A&I (Art and Ideas)

Celebrations of city streets; tranquil vistas of the countryside and seashore; enchanting images of the leisured classes in domestic interiors or at fashionable Parisian cafes – the work of the Impressionists gives pleasure to art lovers everywhere. But while Impressionism today may appear “natural” and effortless, contemporaries were shocked by the loose handling of paint and the practice of painting out-of-doors. In defiance of the conservative official Salon, the Impressionists – led by Edoua

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Pin Art / Map Pins
Dec 25th, 2010 by Aldouspi

Pin Art / Map Pins

Pin Art is the name of an executive toy pin screen, which is a boxed surface made of a crowded collection of pins that are free to slide back and forth independently in a screen to generate a three-dimensional relief. Pin screens were earlier used as animation in films and were made of metal pins. Nowadays, pin art toys are usually made of plastic pins.


Map pins, also known as map tacks and map flags, are used to identify places on a map. Map pins usually helps in marking down your travels, observing business locations, plot customer locations and many others. Round-head map pins and numbered map pins are available in different colors and sizes. They are very easy to be found on stationery shops but usually you can get these map pins only in 100 or 200 series.


Map pins can be easily used with any type of wall map. You can even get bulletin board maps which are manufactured specifically for push pins. These maps also come with Martin Mount option that means that they can be easily hanged because of the foam core backing to accept map pins.


When considering the colors of the pins, always think about the background color of the map. The pin color should contrast nicely with the map. Also, be sure to plan in advance the number of map pins that might be required in one area of the map.


You may also use the pins to track the number of clients or customers you have in certain cities. The main problem comes when all the pins are in the cities and nothing are in the countryside. This is where map scale comes into the picture. Look for a map which has a big scale or has insets for the large cities where your map pins may tend to come together. In this way you can easily put the pins in the inset and observe an enhanced distribution pattern.


Map pins with the smaller head size can also be the solution for this problem.  That is why many people prefer buying the 200 series pins even though they are more costly. In fact, map pins aren’t just for maps. Many art galleries buy numbered pins to recognize artists work. Planners also use map pins on schematics for categorizing the key tasks in a project.

Emily David acts as a consultant for folch who are the largest pin manufacturer and provides pin art , safety pins , needles and pins.

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