Artist’s Affirmation – How Affirmations Enhance Creativity With Artist’s Affirmations
Sep 8th, 2012 by Aldouspi

Artist’s Affirmation – How Affirmations Enhance Creativity With Artist’s Affirmations

An affirmation is a thought or any judgment we pass. Affirmations directly influences our sub consciousness which then directs it into a certain direction either leading to a positive or negative change in our lives. Affirmations can be related to anything such as weight loss, self-esteem, love or even helps discover artistic talents. Using the power of artist’s affirmations can help you discover your artistic and expressive side, which can help you not only in the realm of art, poetry, and the like, but also in relationships and in business.

Artist’s affirmations are different from ordinary person’s affirmation but you first need to figure out your creative self and what you are good at. Try to bring out your artist self by creating some artist affirmations such as ‘I am very creative’ or ‘I was born out of creativity’. Some are good at dancing, painting, acting and many more. The basic artist affirmation is to feel like an artist and pour out the emotions inside you. Feel the emotions and try putting those emotions in your work. When an artist has any affirmation, they actually love and respect their own thoughts and try their best to turn their thoughts into reality. Generic artist’s affirmations will work for some people, but for others, you need to be more specific when creating your artist affirmations.

To become a successful artist, an artist should get rid of any negative affirmations such as having a feeling of failure. The best way to get rid of negative affirmations for artists is to paint out their negative thoughts and then probably later destroy those paintings feeling that by destroying those paintings all the negative thoughts are destroyed along with the painting.

Secondly feel the energy of success with every affirmation you make. Successful artists always affirm that they is worthy of success. To become a successful artist, affirm on a daily basis to be more successful. This will help bring out true and successful artist in you. Also create works of art which express success, happiness, life full of energy and anything positive. An artist keeps these works to inspire him all the time. A successful artist not only affirms but also visualizes his affirmations. It is also important that very carefully artist hears his affirmations. Thus, make it a point to repeat your affirmations out loud to yourself, because this will enhance the experience.

Artist affirmations can be as generic or as specific as you’d like, however, in general, artistic affirmations should be general. Depending on your regular everyday speech patterns, creating an artist’s affirmation that states “I am creative when I paint” could be potentially harmful. This affirmation sounds exclusive, and as you come to believe in this artist’s affirmation, you may begin to believe that you are only creative when you paint. Thus, ‘I am a creative person’ would be better.

Many examples of artist affirmations are listed below and if practiced these artist affirmations regularly you will not only discover your creative self but also become a successful artist.

‘As I create and listen, I will be led’

‘Creativity is the creator’s will for me’

‘I am truly a gifted artist’

‘Through the use of a few simple tools, my creativity will flourish’

‘My creativity always leads me to success’

‘I am willing to create’

‘I am willing to learn to let myself create’

Robert Watson is a certified hypnotherapist with the ABH and the NGH, and has worked with affirmations and subliminal messages for over ten years. Visit his Subliminal Messages [] website for more information about using affirmations and subliminal messages to help you lose weight, quit smoking, have a more positive outlook and more.

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About Graphic Facilitation aka Visual Recording by Igor Lukyanov
Mar 23rd, 2012 by Aldouspi

About Graphic Facilitation aka Visual Recording by Igor Lukyanov

Graphic facilitation (aka visual recording) means creating images by freehand drawing in real-time to visually convey ideas during meetings, workshops, seminars and conferences. Interest in graphic facilitation has surged in the age of Youtube as businesses and individuals nhave realized that visual facilitation, particularly if carried out by a professional artist, can be a great way to introduce various ideas, promote brands and even display products to the enormous Youtube audience in a fun way.

Visual Recording
Graphic facilitation is a popular way to promote ideas, brands and products on Youtube

A graphic facilitator (artist) can create dynamic, out-of-the-box visual presentations of almost anything unlike videos, which are more complicated in production, or slide-shows, which are less dynamic and more prone to be boring. I would even compare graphic facilitation with advertising because today’s graphic facilitators try to bring as much fun and creativity to their visual drawing performance as advertising agencies do with more conventional ads.

Visual recording is fun to watch and we all know that people memorize anything funny, interesting or emotional much better, faster and for a very long time.

Some businesses have already discovered the power of graphic facilitation in conveying ideas and awareness about products and brands. Thus you can observe the growing number of videos featuring graphic facilitators creating some cool drawings on whiteboards in Youtube. (Publisher’s note: Longtime visitors to this website, may have noticed we often publish videos that show artists in action.)

A number of professional teams have emerged to create end-to-end visual graphic facilitation videos ready for Youtube. Those teams ask a high price for their visual recording services, however they can boast of high quality production values, creativity, experience and outstanding drawing talent.

I had noticed graphic facilitation videos on Youtube, long before I was hired as a visual facilitator for the first time. I regarded these videos as a rather curious marketing idea, so I began to think it would be interesting to get involved in a visual recording project. Although I was not much prepared, three weeks ago I was commissioned to create a set of time-lapse videos to be used for graphic facilitation purposes by John M. Tate, an Executive Vice President for Systematic Development Group LLC, who was to present the LOK-IT Secure Flash Drive at the 2012 Annual Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS 2012) Conference and Exhibition in Las Vegas.

Mr. Tate had been kind enough to provide me with the recording of his presentation, which fragments, I used as voice over for the graphic facilitation video you can watch below.

Igor Lukyanov – Graphic Artist | Illustrator | Portraitist

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