Skullis Crystal Skulls and Skull Jewellery
Dec 12th, 2010 by Aldouspi

Skullis Crystal Skulls and Skull Jewellery

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Skullis is a producer of fine and elegant crystal skulls and skull jewellery crafted from only the highest quality crystals and gemstones. Skullis has a working force of over 1 dozen extremely well skilled designers and artists to craft the most stunning designs to suit every person’s tastes. They work with over 400 types of semi precious stones, rocks, gemstones and crystals sourced from the best sites in a large quantity of countries, such as South Africa, United States, Brazil, Mexico, Madagascar, Russia , China and so forth just to ensure the customer gets the stone or crystal he/she really loves. A mineral expert at Skullis spends most of his time sourcing and finding the amazing fancy stones worldwide. Now Skullis may have the largest variety of fancy stones in the world.

What is a fancy stone?

Skullis argues that a fancy stone must have at least one of the following characteristics:

Having eye-catching/brilliant colors

Having gorgeous pattern

Transparent or translucent

Having chatoyant or cat-eye effect

Having some other unique and impressive characteristics

It was carved and polished completely by hand and shows excellent quality. It was carved from a SOLID piece of stone. The high-gloss polish puts the perfect finishing touch on this impressive skull.

Crystal skulls have been revered around the world for centuries. From deep in the
past when they graced the palaces of emperors, the thrones of kings, and the work
places of scholars, sages, doctors, and philosophers, right up to contemporary
times, crystal skulls have proven their worth to those of us that search the world for
beauty, that enquire for greater knowledge, that hope to heal life’s hurts, and that
dare to ponder the universe.

Carved from minerals, the very bones of our planet, crystal skulls combine the
beauty of nature with the art and craftsmanship of man. These minerals were birthed
by the Earth Mother eons before humankind existed. Singled out worldwide by Skullis,
they are usually the finest precious and semi-precious gemstones, sparkling rock crystals, or brilliantly-colored rocks.

The Skull, long regarded as the very home of knowledge, wisdom, and soul, forms the ultimate bridge. A bridge that links our own conscious perception of our physical presence with what is considered the unknown. A crystal skull conveys information, it transmits energy, and it provides the power to create healing, harmony, and insight, thus becoming an exquisite spiritual ally and an informative friend.

Crystal skulls are widely used in self-healing, psychic protection, spiritual awakening, dream work and meditation. Crystal skulls are well known playing critical roles in these activities. Besides these advanced uses, crystal skulls have some good ordinary uses. For example, being unique home/office/cafe/bar decoration, adding your crystal/gemstone/rock collection, being one-of-a-kind sculpture artworks, being special gifts and being good investment.

Skullis offers the finest crystal skulls in the world. The workmanship of the work will stun you. Please just compare the quality of our works with the quality of ANY other crystal skulls you get elsewhere. We are sure you will draw your conclusion.

The categories of crystal skulls available at Skullis include the following: Detachable, Realistic, Hollow, Alien, Singing, Wand or Point, Titan and Super Realistic skull designs. Skullis also offers customization design services to enable the customers get any designs that they may desire. In this you also get to pick the crystal of your choice.

Crystal skull jewellery has gained a lot of popularity over the last few years. People from all races and gender have finally embraced crystal skull jewellery as part of conventional ornamentation and not jewellery related to some dark forces or accustomed to the Gothic movement followers only. Crystal skull jewellery was for a long time related to the male gender but this misconception is now a thing of the past. The skull is now part of the female gender as much as it is for males. We have seen the likes of Lindsay Lohan and Angelina Jolie photographed adorning articles of crystal skull jewellery.

The main aspects that draw people towards crystal skull jewellery are that this form of ornamentation brings out the anti-conformist, independent, daredevil, and bold aspects of a person. You are bound to leave a long lasting impression on your friends, boss, parents and relatives when you adorn crystal skull jewellery. Skullis has a wide range of crystal skull jewellery in the categories of earrings, rings, pendants and buckles. These categories feature the crystal skulls made from different types of crystals, rocks, gemstones and semi precious stones.

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Crystal Skulls May Help to Bring World Peace!
Oct 29th, 2010 by Aldouspi

Crystal Skulls May Help to Bring World Peace!

….. A Crystal Skull You Say – and World Peace, Together?

Many people have learned about crystal skulls (pieces of quartz crystal carved or created into a likeness of a human skull) when the last Indiana Jones film aired back in May of 2008.  Unfortunately how real crystal skull investigators and spiritually opened people experience the crystal skulls is not exactly what was shown on the screen…

I know I made a bold statement in the title of this article… I am going to support it with some experiences I have had with these crystal friends and what they represent.

First of all, I saw my first “ancient” crystal skull, ( a skull made 1000 years or older) in 1983.  As I was just gazing at a photo of this crystal skull, a strong inner vibration was set off inside of me and I just knew, at that moment, crystal skulls were vital for the future of humanity (this was a soul knowing-ness). 

The crystal skull that I met that day is publicly known as “Ami” (which means friend) and it is made out of amethyst quartz, about 8 lbs in weight representing a child’s skull and was uncovered in the early 1900’s, near a Mayan ruin in Mexico.

Let’s continue with a few more experiences as bullet points so you get an idea of how the crystal skulls can effect you  personally and what has been seen from a research perspective:

a) Flash — had an opportunity to visit in Indiana, the home of Bill Homann, the guardian of the famous “Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull of Love” (clear quartz, two pieces, human size, ancient skull) in March of 2008 for a private session — I brought three personal skulls with me, which I placed in a triangular shape around the skull (a big one in the front and two smaller ones in the back) and while listening to favorite songs on my MP3 player had contact with a universal being (beings more than an individual entity) and felt as if I was experiencing what it was like to be in Heaven (it was so calm and peaceful).

b) Flash
— Christmas Time, 1991, in my current home near Chicago, Joke Van Dieten, the guardian of “ET” (smoky quartz, alien looking, human size, ancient skull) was visiting . While meditating with the crystal skull, I saw the face of a man, possibly a Mayan Priest in the skull . During this visit,. we brought this crystal together with the Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull in Indiana and also to the Bahai Temple north of Chicago. Both of these experiences were unbelievable.

c) Flash — Northern part of Peru in the Andes Mountain. While staying in a very primitively built house and quite small, I had two visions of a totally translucent Sky Blue colored human sized Crystal Skull, two pieces with a tall masculine being standing behind it.  Later when visiting the area known as Laguna Negra, a spirit speaks to me and gives the history of this crystal skull linked to the Lord of Sipan from the Moche Culture which is pre-Inca.

d) Flash — Crazy Experiments with our newly created crystal skull called “Portal de Luz” (“Portal of Light”, smoky quartz, one piece, 10 lbs) — in tests with a device called a meridian stress test machine in both America and Europe the crystal was balancing the energy of the various meridians in the test subjects’ bodies from 90-95%.

When a meditation was done with this skull in a crop circle in England, by my ex-wife, Blue Arrow Rainbow Eagle Woman in 2004, a lay line coming in from behind her broke into 2 parts and remained this way for the rest of the day. She said that during her mediation, she had contact with two aliens who were puzzled why we humans were not just enjoying the Crop Circle they made and trying to prove it was a fake. And finally in a recent test with this skull by Joshua P. Warren in Asheville, N.C. when exposed to a watch that was radioactive — “Portal de Luz” absorbed or blocked about 60% of the radiation and when exposed to 300,000 volts, he just smiled and asked for more…


    1) These ancient crystal skulls are the computers from civilizations in the far past containing information that can help our world see total peace and harmony — we just have to figure out how to receive this knowledge.

    2) All crystal skulls have the ability to store amazing energy and the vibrational frequencies of everything that happens around them, if this skull has been already activated or opened.

    3) The crystal skulls act like living beings with an intelligence — the newly made skulls even are speaking to their guardians and tell the guardians what to name to give them.

    4) A number of the indigenous prophecies state that the crystal skulls are involved in helping to create our future. Some prophecies say there is a special set of crystal skulls (13, 24, 72, etc …) that will come back together … And when they do, this is the catalytic moment which takes us into a golden age.

    5) For now they are acting as a catalyst to awaken within the people they meet, their inner divinity, as well as an awareness and contact with a divitnity!

So now you know why the study of the skulls has captured over 26 years of my life – it has never been boring!  More and more crystal skulls (the old ones) are being found and coming out each day — it’s an exciting time!!

Thanks for listening, in peace and light always,

Joshua Shapiro, a crystal skull explorer.

To contact Joshua either send an email or visit this website: Email: —- Website: (on this website you can download our free ebook, join our free Crystal Skull Explorer’s newsletter, participate in our world peace meditations, order your own crystal skull and lots more good stuff!! 🙂 )

To view part of Joshua’s Interview for the Program aired by the Smithsonian Institute in 2008,  but not shown before on television (shown on Youtube) just go to:

Joshua Shapiro is an investigator, author, public speaker and media consultant linked to the Crystal Skulls. He has been involved since 1983 when he met the ancient amethyst crystal skull “Ami” , in San Jose, California. He has traveled throughout North America, South America, Europe and Australia either doing research or offering public presentations. Today he works closely with his partner, Katrina Head out of the Atlanta area. At the end of last year, they started to offer spiritual journeys with the skulls to Peru and now add Egypt for this year. Joshua has a script for a full feature action adventure film which shows how the our world will see peace in 2012 and he is the chairman of the board of the World Mystery Research Center. He hopes his new book will be released this year called, “Journeys of the Crystal Skull Explorers” (with Blue Arrow Rainbow Eagle Woman).

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