Alice Neel Art For Sale
Mar 23rd, 2011 by Aldouspi

Alice Neel Art For Sale

[phpbay]Alice Neel, 21, “”, “”[/phpbay]

Alice Neel Art For Sale related articles from the blogosphere…

Master of the Month :: Alice Neel | Illustration Friday

Alice Neel was known for her Expressionist portraits of both famous and ordinary people. Neel was the fourth of five children. She grew up in Colwyn,

Publish Date: 01/31/2011 0:39

Alice Neel (1900–1984)

Last year on an impromptu visit to the Whitechapel Gallery in East London, I chanced upon the exhibition Alice Neel: Painted Truths. Accompanying the exhibition was an excellent documentary film, directed by her grandson, Andrew Neel, …

Publish Date: 03/12/2011 4:32

DELINLEE DELOVELY: alice neel fever…

alice neel fever… if you haven’t seen this awe-inspiring documentary on the late, great american painter then i suggest you find it asap. truly inspiring stuff. Posted by delinlee delovely at 8:00 AM · Email This BlogThis! …

Publish Date: 03/22/2011 8:00

Alice Neel (excerpt,

A three minute excerpt from ART/new york program number 32, “ALICE NEEL (1900-1984) (c) 1990” by Paul Tschinkel. For more information and many other titles on contemporary art, visit:

Alice Neel – Official Trailer

Now on iTunes: Documentary on the life and work of Alice Neel (1900-1984), American portrait painter.

Robert Crumb Movie, A Must See
Feb 5th, 2010 by Aldouspi

Robert Crumb Movie, A Must See

I have often wondered what we would have learned, if a documentary film could have been made of Vincent Van Gogh when he was still alive. Thankfully, we live in an age where we can get a movie made about some of our great artists and see what they are really like.

The Robert Crumb movie “Crumb” shows us a sexually hyper, but frustrated man who is much like the biographical stories and illustration done by Robert Crumb in his comics and books. And, of course, he is not like that at all, being as complicate and simple as any genius artist is.

After seeing him in the flesh, I am eternally thankful that some bully didn’t beat him up and break his hands when he was a child. We are lucky to have his talent displayed in this world.

And if you have not yet seen the Robert Crumb movie then you are lucky. It is intriguing and insightful and holds together well as a documentary. If you did know about his art before seeing this flick, you will want to know more…
And for us who have enjoyed his art over the years, we get a little better understanding of what he is doing…

8 1/2 Minutes With Robert Crumb

Considered “the father of underground comics” “Crumb” 1994 documentary film…. Want to know more about Robert Crumb?

Robert Crumb Movie Related Items For Sale

[phpbay]Robert Crumb Movie, 22, “”, “”[/phpbay]

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