Miranda from Amarelo Manga Plus Miranda Pin-ups
Dec 20th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Miranda from Amarelo Manga Plus Miranda Pin-ups

MIranda  from Amarelo Manga includes pants, ruffled shirt, collar and belt.
My hair/hat is from  Secrets . Scripted to resize  with 9 color options as well as matte or shiny texture.
Credits for Jewerly:  Bracelet from U&R Dogs.  Necklace from Alienbear.

SL Fashion Files

Miranda Pin-up For Sale

[phpbay]Miranda Pinup, 19, “”, “boobs”[/phpbay]

Miranda from Amarelo Manga Plus Miranda Pin-ups related articles from the blogosphere…

Pin-up girls for the 21st century

Scarlett Johansson, Emily Scott, Bar Refaeli, Megan Fox, Miranda Kerr

Portland PinUp Photography… « Blog – McLernon Photography


Had some fun in the studio with pinup models Miranda and Kayla, friends of my assistant Aaron. We set up several backgrounds and collected a vast assortment of props beforehand to create some cool situations the models

Miranda Kerr is our leather pinup « Snap Fashion


Miranda Kerr is our leather pinup. We went crazy over Miranda Kerr's leather skirt (not in a creepy way) we're simply in awe of how she can rock this tricky leather trend, keeping to classy and casual-ish without a hint of Soho.

Nina Senicar PinUp in Bikini, Miranda Kerr e Adriana Lima in Lingerie


Nina Senicar PinUp in Bikini, Miranda Kerr e Adriana Lima in Lingerie. 2 ottobre 2011 scritto da Viola Lascia un Commento. Sapevate che Nina Senicar ha una sua linea di costumi da bagno? Nina Senicar. Ve ne avevamo parlato anche qui,

Brandy in a classic Pin-up Pose by Alaskan Dude
Apr 13th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Brandy in a classic pin-up pose

Image by Alaskan Dude
Brandy is one of my favorite models to shoot with. In addition to being a great belly dancer she is also one of the sweetest people you’ll ever meet. She is so much fun to shoot with, not too demanding (but she loves chocolate from Mexico, and also very creative. I took these photos at our Retro, Pin-up, and Valentines shoot in February 2009 in Anchorage, Alaska.

Plus the Art of Brandy Woods…

[phpbay]Brandy Woods art, 16, “”, “”[/phpbay]

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