Some Dollar Coins and Your Coin Collection When it concerns dollar coin collecting there are so many options available that you would be hard pressed to identify the best dollar coins t worth collecting. For one, the Flowing Hair Dollar, the original silver dollar that was made in only the second year after the start of US Mint operations was available in limited numbers totaling about one hundred and sixty-two thousand coins in all. It was later replaced with the Bust Dollar that was minted in the middle of 1795. However, the Flowing Hair Dollar is one of the coveted pieces and hence commands a very good price. You will be paying $5000 on up for this one dollar coin.
Dollar Coin Collecting: Draped Dollar
The Draped Dollar that was minted between 1795 and 1803 and had a number of varieties as well as errors in them. It is also a dollar coin that is worthy of being added to any dollar coin collection . There are only 19,570 coins of that make and the last batch was rolled out in 1803. The salient point about this dollar coin is that it is considered as being the most important of all dollar coins ever minted. Again pricey.
The popularity of the Draped Dollar cannot be denied and has led to many copies being made of it, most notably in China. So if you are considering buying these and adding them to your dollar coin collection then you should only buy them from reputable and recognized coin dealers.
Another useful dollar coin that lends itself well to dollar coin collecting is the Gobrecht Dollar that was minted after 1831. This is an expensive dollar coin, especially the 1836 version.
The Seated Liberty dollar coins are more in number than the Gobrecht Dollar and these 1840 born coins are worthy of your collection and now we are reaching a stage where these coins are priced for the less wealthy coin collector. In 1853, the Seated Liberty Dollar became very important in trading with China and was soon called the trade dollar. The minting of these dollar coins was finally stopped in the year 1870.
In the modern era, the US Congress has requested the minting of dollar coins to commemorate each US President as well as their spouses. And these are delightful and within everyone’s reach. You can actually get these coins from your local bank.
Look for these Presidential dollar coins for your collection, as there will be four different Presidential Dollar designs minted each year through the year 2016. These Presidential Dollar coins are only being minted in limited numbers and each will come out in intervals of thirteen weeks or so.
And for the more worldly dollar coin collection enthusiast don’t forget to check out the Canadian or Australian dollar coins.
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