Willard Mullin’s Golden Age Of Baseball Drawings 1934-1972 Reviews
Oct 1st, 2013 by Aldouspi

Willard Mullin’s Golden Age Of Baseball Drawings 1934-1972

Willard Mullin's Golden Age Of Baseball Drawings 1934-1972

This first-ever retrospective of the dean of American sports cartooning “stars” baseball greats such as Joe DiMaggio, Yogi Berra, Lou Gehrig, and many others.In Fantagraphics’ ceaseless effort to rediscover every world-class cartoonist in the history of the medium, we turn your attention to a neglected part of the art form—sports cartooning—and to its greatest practitioner—Willard Mullin. The years 1930-1970 were the Golden Age of both American sports and American comic strips, when

List Price: $ 35.00

Price: $ 21.60

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The Various Uses of Cartoon Drawings in Modern Times
May 30th, 2013 by Aldouspi

The Various Uses of Cartoon Drawings in Modern Times

Cartoons are liked by almost all kids and most adults as well, bringing the lighter side of life. . But they had far exceeded that sphere a long time back and today they are used for a variety of reasons. Although entertainment is the primary objective of all cartoonist, cartoons are also used for caricatures which have been used for various types of protest movements all over the world. In modern times, cartoons are used in a variety of mediums. Comics and Books: Comic books characters have invaded our lives today and we have so many of them all around- Archies, Blondie, Superman, Spiderman, Batman, Tom and Jerry, Tin Tin- the list is endless. The children love them and so do the adults. An entire industry thrives on this business and with digital printing making new waves; they have become all the more life like. New editions of these comic books are printed and reprinted even in this age of computers. Animated Feature Films: Of course, animated movies are everybody’s favorite and our favorite cartoon characters come alive before us. No one ever gets bored of the Tom and Jerry series which is so much more fun on television. And with 3D technology, things are getting better and better. Lion King, Aladdin, Toy Story, Shrek, The Little Mermaid and many more are just some of our most beloved cartoon characters and they make as much money as any other regular movie. The concept of famous actors giving voice to them is of course another major attraction. If you want to keep yourself engaged for a while, there can be nothing better than sitting down with something related to cartoon drawings delve, an animated film or a comic book. You will find the time well spent and very enjoyable indeed.

For more information on cartoonist, check out the info available online; these will help you learn to find the cartoon drawings delve!

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