Trollkin Calendar for 2013 by Kiri Østergaard Leonard
Sep 20th, 2012 by Aldouspi

Trollkin Calendar for 2013 by Kiri Østergaard Leonard

Artist Kiri Østergaard Leonard is hard at work on a Trollkin calendar…

TrollkinTrollkin: Calendar 2013 – Cover

I am tentatively announcing my calendar for 2013. I am not certain if I can make it in time, but I am certainly going to try!

The format will be somewhat different from my Fairy Pin Up Calendar. Rather than doing a final rendered piece for each month, this calendar will feature a mixture of both finished pieces but also pages of sketches and tidbits of folklore stories.

A postcard pack of the first three troll illustrations can be seen below…

Trollkin Postcard Pack

Wicked Fairytale

Trollkin Related Items For Sale

[phpbay]Trollkin, 19, “”, “”[/phpbay]

Airbrush 101 | War Wagon | Hordes | Privateer Press | Dice Down | RHQ-TV Episode 94

This week’s Dice Down features another airbrush 101 session with Andrew Galea painting up the new Trollkin War Wagon from Privateer Press. Another great opportunity for all your airbrush and general painting enthusiasts out there to pick up some valu…


Shadowar and Other Art by Sacha Angel Diener
Mar 20th, 2012 by Aldouspi

Shadowar and Other Art by Sacha Angel Diener

Sacha Angel Diener – Mestres da Arte

Sacha Angel Diener

Sacha Angel Diener
Sacha Angel Diener
Sacha Angel Diener
Sacha Angel Diener

TheFirstAngel on deviantART


Shadowar Related Items For Sale

[phpbay]Shadowar, 5, “”, “”[/phpbay]

[phpbay]warrior fantasy art, 9, “”, “”[/phpbay]

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