This Guy is Taking Balloon Art to the Next Level Aug 4th, 2014 by Aldouspi
Jason Secoda (Airheads Entertainment ) is an artist and entertainer that uses balloons as his medium. Based in Philadelphia, the artist has been making balloon art for over 15 years. On his Facebook page , he describes his philosophy:
“My philosophy on balloon art tries to shatter the ideas that balloon art is cheesy and that it’s only for kids. I’m very detail-oriented, and as a result, my work is layered and complex. During events, I often find just as many adults enthralled with my work as children are. In short, I make quality, upscale work for all types, and all ages of clientele.”
Below is a small collection of Jason’s fantastic work. To see more be sure to check out his Facebook page .
[via oPHILcial ]
Collaboration with Dennis Scott, Dylan Gilenas and Jack Mattson. Inspired by Angkor Wat in Cambodia. 15,000 balloons, over 16 ft tall and 225 sq. ft.
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2012 ,
2014 ,
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a ,
Ade ,
Ads ,
Adult ,
Adults ,
Ake ,
Aluminum ,
animal ,
Animal Sculptures ,
Ao ,
Art ,
Arti ,
Artist ,
artwork ,
Ass ,
Awe ,
awesome ,
b ,
Ball ,
Balloon ,
Balloons ,
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been ,
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Bes ,
Bison ,
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blog ,
book ,
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Cal ,
Check ,
child ,
children ,
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Client ,
Clientele ,
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Complex ,
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d ,
Desc ,
Detail ,
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during ,
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Enjoy ,
entertain ,
entertainment ,
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Eve ,
even ,
events ,
Every ,
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g ,
Ght ,
Gil ,
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Heads ,
Heck ,
high ,
Hp ,
i ,
Idea ,
ideas ,
Ies ,
Ign ,
Image ,
Img ,
Incredible ,
Ing ,
inment ,
Ins ,
inspire ,
Inspired ,
Jack ,
Japan ,
Japanese ,
Japanese Art ,
John ,
Jpg ,
Just ,
k ,
kids ,
King ,
l ,
Labor ,
Large ,
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Level ,
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m ,
Made ,
Mage ,
making ,
many ,
Mario ,
Med ,
Medium ,
men ,
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Metal ,
more ,
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Nbsp ,
Next ,
Next Level ,
o ,
Om ,
Only ,
Ot ,
over ,
p ,
page ,
Phil ,
philosophy ,
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Pixel ,
Pl ,
Post ,
Press ,
Quality ,
Quot ,
Quote ,
r ,
Ra ,
rap ,
Rat ,
Ring ,
Rt ,
s ,
Scale ,
Scot ,
Scott ,
Scribe ,
Sculpt ,
Sculptures ,
Shat ,
Short ,
Small ,
some ,
Spa ,
Ss ,
Strong ,
Style ,
t ,
Tac ,
Tail ,
Taking ,
Tall ,
Target ,
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these ,
this ,
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u ,
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Ups ,
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v ,
very ,
Wis ,
Wit ,
wordpress ,
Work ,
Ww ,
year ,
Years Boudoir Louisville March Events, Tour Schedule etc… Mar 15th, 2013 by Aldouspi
This March is proving to be our busiest yet! Below is a list of all the places we will be traveling to over the next few weeks. If we are coming to your area, give us a shout! We always like meeting new people.
Tonight and tomorrow night, March 8th and 9th , our good friends The Pretty Things Peepshow will be in Louisville performing their unique blend of burlesque and sideshow acts at the Alley Theater on Washington St. If you have never seen them, you kinda owe it to yourself to come to their show! There will be pasty covered boobies, midgets eating glass and more sexy comedy than you can shake a stick at! Show starts at 10pm both nights! Wanna see what’s under those feathers? Come to the show!
Saturday March 9th we are teaching our in studio pinup as well as on-location pinup workshop! We always love sharing what we know with other photographers! Be sure to follow our blog or Facebook page for upcoming workshop dates and times! For workshop pricing, we sure to visit our main website, Boudoir Louisville!
Friday March 15th – March 19th , the Boudoir Louisville gang takes this dog and pony show on the road! We will be traveling to Harrisburg, PA! While in PA, we will be booking shoots at the Old Sledworks building in Duncannon, PA. If you’ve never been to this place, you must check it out. HUGE antique store. Jimmy, the owner, has also assembled a very unique collection of vintage arcade games. Jimmy also built a working soda shop! Sledworks makes the perfect pinup set! We will be booking pinup shoots as well as shooting a few how-to videos. Be sure to find our podcast on Apple ITunes for more! It’s called “BOMBSHELL”! Contact us if you want to book a shoot!
March 26th – April 2nd , we will be in LAS VEGAS for the 16th annual Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly Weekend! This is the world’s largest gathering of pinup girls! It’s only fitting that we be a part of it! Boudoir Louisville will be booking pinup and Old Hollywood style boudoir s photo shoots the entire week! Space is very limited, we have REALLY booked up! We will also be available for workshops if anyone wants to schedule one of those. Please email me directly for details.
On days that we are not traveling or teaching workshops, we will be booking sexy boudoir and pinup photo shoots at our 4500 sq ft Louisville, Ky studio! Drop by our main website for more info or to check our availability. Hope to see you soon!
Visit Boudoir Louisville for more details. To view our most up to date pinup and boudoir galleries, Click Here! If you are super bored, drop by our YouTube Channel and watch a few of our behind the scenes videos! Watch Now! Snapping gorgeous pinup and boudoir photography in Louisville, Cincinnati, Lexington and beyond! Louisville Boudoir and Pinup Photographers