Choosing the Right Pinup, Glamour and Wedding Photographer
Nov 29th, 2011 by Aldouspi

by veruus

Choosing the Right Pinup, Glamour and Wedding Photographer

Article by Harry Carlin

Have you ever wondered why a photograph carries such an emotional value? It is because it deals closely with memories. A photograph is like a piece of yesterday we can carry today and tomorrow; it reminds us of those times which we want to be a associated with, till eternity…

If you ask a photographer, the definition might be this – photography is a way to take a little part of today and store it for tomorrow.

When it comes to storing parts of our lives, it is best to choose someone who will help us store it in the best of ways: whether it be a photographer or a photography based agency. Whatever technological advancement may have happened over the years, the art of photography is still not just about the abilities of the camera, it is about the person handling it.

And what does it mean to choose the right photographer or agency? Perhaps it is best to follow this principle: worth-the-event, worth-the-money.

When it comes to choosing a photographer, ask for his/her previous work to get an idea of what can be expected for your photo shoot. Photographers may offer many aspects of photography like glamour, pinup, wedding etc., but every photographer has a forte, some segment in which he/she either is more experienced or is better in other segments. So, choose a photographer with respect to his/her forte.

State-of-the-art digital retouching is a nice add-on.

Be it wedding photography pricing in Sacramento or family portraits in San Francisco, look for a photographer who is worth the money and the effort (in terms of quality) as well. Going with suggestions and feedback from friends and loved ones is fine, but you still want to see the results of a photographer’s work in the physical form

If the photographer happens to have an online presence, look for the technologies he/she uses while you go through their website. Any questions, just email them and ask.

An award winning photographer or agency is worth looking into.

And finally, you want to go with a photographer who treats you like you deserve to be treated, with dignity; no human is an object. You may be revealing intimate parts of yourself to the camera and you need to be comfortable with the person behind the lens.

All in all, choosing the right photographer is like the difference between how you appear on your Facebook display picture and looking like a star on a magazine cover…

Harry Carlin is a professional writer, presently writing for San Francisco Photographers and newborn photography Sacramento.

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What are Factors That Affect the Value of Coins?
Apr 3rd, 2011 by Aldouspi

What are Factors That Affect the Value of Coins?

When one is just starting in coin collecting, often the first question is: “What is the value of the coin?: and the answer is that the coin will cost as much as you are willing to pay for it and the amount can vary considerably. For instance, a coin dealer’s offer can be much less than a coin collector that certainly wants your coin badly to add in his collection.

The following are factors that can influence the true value of a coin.

1. Grade or condition of the coin. Your coin will be worth or valued more when it is in good condition. When in a perfect or unblemished mint condition, an “uncirculated” coin will be worth many times more than a similar coin that has been in circulation.

2. The rarity of a coin is the principal basis for a coins value. Generally, the rarer that a coin is found to be, the higher it is priced. Do keep in mind that rarity has very little influence on the coins age. Chinese coins are a thousand years old normally sell for about ten dollars since there are so many of them; while a “1913 Liberty Head Nickel” can sell for up to or over a million dollars because only five specimens are known to be in existence.

3. Bullion value. A coin’s precious metal content can determine its value. A platinum, silver or gold coin will not, in general sell for less than the coins value when melted.

4. Demand. There are coins that are greatly in demand; sought after by many collectors, and if that a particular coin is in great demand the price will be even higher. Even comparatively plentiful coins can mandate higher value when they are popular with coin collectors.

For instance, “1916 D dimes” are much more abundant than the “1798 dimes” yet in spite of this, “1916 D dimes” sell for so much more because there are many more individuals collecting 20th century dimes than 1700 dimes.

Here’s how you can determine the approximate value of your coin:

1. Properly, accurately, and correctly recognize and classify your coin, and know the to place value on that coin. You can do this successfully by examining your coin in a catalogue or online with the “coin price guide”; this will give you an idea of the going rate and price of your particular coin and you can determine the approximate value of your coin.

Everyday coin values are changing; so you need to use a “coin price guide” that is updated on a daily basis to obtain the current coin value. Look at online sites that offer step by step guidance on how to recognize your coin the proper way.

2. Grade your coin based on your thorough observation and examination of its current condition.

3. Consult coin catalogues for a list of retail prices in or estimates of your coins retail value. “A Guide Book of United States Coins”, popularly known as “The Red Book” to coin dealers and collectors, provides information on retail coin prices for US coins and is available in libraries, coin shops and bookstores. “The Standard Catalog of World Coins” (in volumes) is a guide commonly used by coin dealers and collectors as well, to provide information on world coins and is available in many public libraries.

You can also check current coin prices by basing it on the actual dealer coin price found in magazines and newspapers or online auctions such as Yahoo, Coin World, eBay or Teletrade.

Always keep in mind that you are not collecting coins primarily for money; you collect for enjoyment and self gratification, and profit is to be last consideration. The plain fact that a certain coin does not have a large monetary value, does not necessarily suggest that it is no longer interesting or fascinating or that it must not be included in your collection.

Each coin will have a certain interest in itself, regardless of the condition that it is in and regardless of its monetary value. There will always be a certain characteristic that will draw you to that particular coin; so when it does, then you should have it in your collection. Have fun!

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