Pin-up Girl Makeup Tutorial Jul 10th, 2010 by Aldouspi
My twist on a retro makeup look- the classic pin-up girl! FEATURED PRODUCTS: FACE- -Rimmel Stay Matte Foundation- Soft Beige (drugstore) -Bobbi Brown Foundation Stick in Natural ( -Mary Kay Loose Powder in Beige 1 ( -NYC Matte Bronzer in Sunny (drugstore) -MAC cream blush in Posey ( -Wet & Wild Silk Finish Blush in Berry Shimmer (drugstore) -Cover Girl Cheekers blush in Golden Pink (drugstore) -Lāoreal Bare Naturale Translucent Finishing Powder (drugstore) EYES- -Smashbox Photofinish Lid Primer ( -CoverGirl Eyeshadow Quad in Country Woods (drugstore) -CoverGirl Eyeshaodw Singlein Brown Smolder (drugstore) -NYC Liquid Liner in Black (drugstore) -CoverGirl Fantastic Lash Mascara in Blackest Black (drugstore) -Ardell Runway Collection false lashes in Gisele- cut to make half sets (Sally Beauty Supply) LIPS- -Rimmel Exaggerate Lipliner in Ravish (drugstore) -NYC Lipstick in Retro Red (drugstore) BLOG: TWITTER FACEBOOK:
Blush ,
Bronzer ,
Brown Foundation ,
Cover Girl ,
Drugstore ,
False Lashes ,
Girl ,
Gisele ,
L Oreal ,
Loose Powder ,
Maccosmetics Com ,
Makeup ,
Makeup Tutorial ,
Mary Kay ,
Marykay ,
Mascara ,
Pin Up Girl ,
Pinup ,
Posey ,
Sally Beauty Supply ,
Shimmer ,
Silk Finish ,
Tutorial ,
Wild Silk Pin-Up Girl Make-Up Series ā Sophia Loren ā by kandee Jun 28th, 2010 by Aldouspi More from the Pin-Up Girl Series, Legendary Hollwyood Beauty, Sophia Loren. This Look uses MAC eyeshadows, FRILL, CARBON, CHARCOAL BROWN, ESPRESSO, & CORK. Gel liner from Bobbi Brown, STILA smudgepots & blush in BLUNT from MAC. Lipliner in CORK or STONE from MAC and lipstick in TANTONE with BERRY SPLASH gloss from Covergirl Wetslicks watch my video on applying false lashes too! Smiles, kandee
Beauty ,
Blush ,
Bobbi Brown ,
Charcoal ,
Cork ,
Covergirl ,
Espresso ,
False Lashes ,
Frill ,
Girl ,
Girl Series ,
Gloss ,
kandee ,
Lipliner ,
Lipstick ,
Loren ,
Mac Eyeshadows ,
Makeup ,
Pinup ,
series ,
Smiles ,
Smudgepots ,
Sophia ,
Sophia Loren ,