Film Noir: Part 1 – Finished Boards
Apr 21st, 2013 by Aldouspi

Recently it has become necessary to put this back into the front of the work pile – and this is still only Part 1 of 3. Given all my other work – mostly teaching and freelance – in order to just get to this it’s been a case of “robbing Peter to pay Paul”. I still have some tweaks to the story to do – and while a lot of people have been pushing me to finish quickly, it seems pointless to finish if there is an Act 1 problem – because those always come back to haunt you. It’s been quiet the journey on this story from it’s first few drafts.
Scotland’s Art Blog

Film Noir: Part 1 – Finished Boards
Apr 10th, 2013 by Aldouspi

Recently it has become necessary to put this back into the front of the work pile – and this is still only Part 1 of 3. Given all my other work – mostly teaching and freelance – in order to just get to this it’s been a case of “robbing Peter to pay Paul”. I still have some tweaks to the story to do – and while a lot of people have been pushing me to finish quickly, it seems pointless to finish if there is an Act 1 problem – because those always come back to haunt you. It’s been quiet the journey on this story from it’s first few drafts.
Scotland’s Art Blog

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