Pin-up in a Frederick’s Corset
Mar 17th, 2012 by Aldouspi

Pin-up in a Frederick’s Corset

Who’s better than a red-hot redhead to inspire your St. Paddy’s Day? Christina Hendricks, watch out! This lovely gal is wearing a pastel pink Frederick’s corset, bringing out her gorgeous strawberry-blonde locks, while the satin and black lace adds a bit of vintage flair! With a pose that accentuates her sexy curves, this image is one of my favorites and gives a dramatic, timeless appeal. See more images from the session on my Facebook Page. Thanks for stopping by and hope everyone has a super inspired St. Pattie’s Day! More Spring/Summer inspirations coming soon! xoxo Kelly

Hair & Make-up by Maggie Runner

Pin-Up & Boudoir Photography

Frederick’s Corset Related Items For Sale

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Pin-up in a Frederick’s Corset related articles from the blogosphere…

How To Lace Your Corset

Heather Luca of Scoundrelle’s Keep gives a quick demonstration of how to put on a corset and lace it in.

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fredericks of hollywood Gallery. Fredericks of Hollywood nightgown set Sensual Black Wench corset front … From fredericks of hollywood Top Gallery. Fredericks of Hollywood nightgown set Sensual Black Wench corset front … from fredericks

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Samantha, not to speak for Treacle, of course, but I don't think Frederick's corsets are all that great. They are more in line with the not-so-well-made ones mentioned in one of Corset Week's earlier posts. They ripple, they poke,

A Few Threads Loose: Ooh la la Pin Up Sew-Along… Corset boning


Ooh la la Pin Up Sew-Along… Corset boning and why you need it. When to Use Boning, and What Kind. The question is, are you wearing it to the bedroom or the boardroom? Boning your corset is always best, to be honest.

Emo Pin-ups For Sale
Jan 5th, 2012 by Aldouspi

Emo Pin-ups For Sale

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[phpbay]Emo Pinup, 16, “11450”, “”[/phpbay]

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Emo pinup Gerard Way has always had a knack for pouring his heart out, but it's his flair for the theatrical that males him great. Way's sense of imagery goes back to his art-school roots, when he made his own comic books,

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