Your Questions About 50 Pin Up Girls
Aug 14th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Thomas asks…

Guys, do you like girls with bangs like the 50’s pin-up girls?

Pin-up answers:

I do like bangs – like Betty Page. But the shape of a face I thin k determines if it really works well or not…

Some Bangs Pin-up

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Ruth asks…

How would I make myself up like a 50’s pin up girl or burlesque women?

I have super short jet black hair (pixie cut) and how would I do my hair and makeup? You can give sites or just answers.

Pin-up answers:

Check out Dita Von Teese’s web site.( ) She has tips on clothes and make-up on her site. There is another woman and I can’t think of her name right now, but she’s a friend of Kat VonD’s? She is another burlesque dancer. She also has a web page that has tips on it. (

Tips that I can think of:

1. Porcelain skin is a must. Try manic panic make-up.

2. Pale, shimmery eye’s with black liner a must. Have you eyebrows arched professionally and learn how to apply liquid eyeliner. Play with false eyelashes. It takes practice and patience.

3. Red, Red lips! There is an art to applying red lipstick so it doesn’t bleed or run. Invest in lipliners and blotter papers.

4. Hair, you have the prefect cut to play the Lolita vixen. Invest in clips with hearts and bows on them. Check out the line of jewelry in Hot Topic. Clip your hair close to your face, framing your face. You could play with curls, use an iron, make them tight and leave them tight. This is a great flapper look.

5. Check out some of the Goth sites or magazines. Some of those girls have worked their look well and you can pick up some ideas there.

Good luck with it!

Dita Pin-up

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Michael asks…

50’s Pin-up Girl Style Photo Shoot!?

I’m doing a 50’s pin-up girl style shoot, but I’m not sure of the type of clothes and stuff they used to wear… any tips/ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Pin-up answers:

Have your models haired styled in a 1940’s style like victory rolls or you can go for a 1950’s Bettie Page style with bangs. Use red lipstick and dramatic eye makeup. Most pin up photos featured the models wearing period lingerie, so you’ll want bullet bras, garter belts or open bottom girdles, retro panties and of course, fully fashioned stockings Don’t forget the pin-up style dresses of the period… For the lingerie I recommend:

For more info about the pin up look, join this site:

Sime Pin-up Dresses

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Mary asks…

50’s pin up girl style?

Okay so for halloween I’m going to be a pin up girl and I’m trying to find something to wear, so I was wondering if this is something they would wear in the 50‘s or earlier. And I was thinking of getting it in red. So tell me what you think.

Pin-up answers:

Look up Bettie Page. Shes a pin up girl from that era.

Carol asks…

50’s pin up girl style for shorter hair?

my prom is coming up, and the theme is famous couples in history, and our idea was Darlene and Dewey cox (if you dont know what im talking about, watch the movie Walk Hard.) so I was looking for a really cute classic rockabilly 50‘s pin up girl. but the only problem is, my hair only comes to the middle of my neck, so there’s not much I could really do. I was thinking kind of like this Gwen Stefani look, but I don’t know how to do it. Any ideas?

Pin-up answers:

Do you mean something like that? (The top girl with black hair) or try…

Search youtube for more how to hair style ideas

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Pin-up Outfits For Sale

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Pin-up Dresses For Sale
Mar 3rd, 2010 by Aldouspi

Hey, check out these Pin-up Dress auctions:

Here is something to wear on your next date or to that fancy business dinner…

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