Grayskull Needs Floss! Barbarian Cartoon by Scotland Barnes
I meant to have this up for April’s Fools – more of my strange late night humor. It came out of one of my Giant Size Moleskin Sketchbooks from a few years ago that never got posted.
Scotland’s Art Blog
Barbarian Pin-ups For Sale [phpbay]Barbarian Pinup, 11, “”, “”[/phpbay] [phpbay]Conan Pinup, 10, “”, “barbarian”[/phpbay]
Grayskull Needs Floss! Barbarian Cartoon by Scotland Barnes related articles from the blogosphere… Kingdom Death, Holy Lander. Sculpted miniature cast in resin.
The holy lander is the most basic of monsters in the Kingdom Death world. Check out our website to learn more about them. Standing 36mm to the eyes this Holy Lander was sculpted by the talented Juan Navarro Perez based on concep…
Why I Do What I Do: Pencils for Conan the Barbarian Pin-ups … 9/18/11
This is the first time I attempted to tackle drawing Conan the Barbarian . I decided to do super tight pencils, similar to the comic's approach. The challenge of this approach is to keep all the construction lines as clean and …
Chris Askham's Blog!: Jikan Chronicles book 2 Pin-up 4/10/12
My Jikan pin-up from the pages of Jikan Chronicles Book 2, which just happens to be available here for as little as £1.50 for the eBook version. Posted by Chris Askham at 16:19. Labels: Chris Askham, Jikan, samurai, barbarian pin-ups , …
The cosplay pic on the left showcases Bianca Beauchamp [a popular Canadian latex model often featured in this blog] and she is dressed as a sexy female Barbarian pin-up ; while the pinup poster of Red Sonja on the right was …
Barbarian Pin-ups