French Pin-up Art by Bruno Vegan – Irmino Pin-up
Oct 19th, 2011 by Aldouspi

French Pin-up Art by Bruno Vegan – Irmino Pin-up

Bruno Vegan (irmino) – Comics Artist and Illustrator from France

pin up cartoon girl

See more:

Pin Up and Cartoon Girls

French Pin-up Art For Sale

[phpbay]French Pinup Art, 19, “”, “”[/phpbay]

French Pin-up Art by Bruno Vegan – Irmino Pin-up related articles from the blogosphere…

In Praise of Pierre Okley, a French Pin-Up Artist « Jon von Zelowitz's

In Praise of Pierre Okley, a French Pin-Up Artist. 03Jul11. [FR: Pierre Okley, un des rares artistes français qui travaillait dans le style "pin-up".] I have often wondered whether great pin-up artists existed in France. Answer: They

Publish Date: 07/03/2011 14:38

Art Deco Walking Tour: 1940s French Art Deco Gasoline Pin Up

This is a circa 1940s Art Deco motorcycle gasoline poster from Paris France, created by the noted poster company Brenot. With advertising for Dopcyl, with Hafa and Melange also printed in bold text, as a pin up inspired gasoline attendant

Publish Date: 05/19/2011 0:00

Dita PinUp Art by Maly Siri « pocket venus: dita von teese

Tags: burlesque, dita von teese, maly siri, pin-up art. French pin-up artist Maly Siri has created several Dita Von Teese inspired pieces. To view her work, visit her weblog, Maly Siri's Pin-Up Art & Doodles. Watch the artist at

Publish Date: 04/28/2011 22:54

PIN UP Speed Painting with MATT BUSCH!

See how Matt Busch works with and paints gorgeous models…

French Beauty by Thierry Beaudenon Plus French Pin-ups
Sep 10th, 2011 by Aldouspi

French Beauty by Thierry Beaudenon Plus French Pin-ups

Thierry Beaudenon – Illustrator From France

modern pin up girl


Pin Up and Cartoon Girls

French Pin-up For Sale

[phpbay]french pin-up, 21, “”, “”[/phpbay]

French Beauty by Thierry Beaudenon Plus French Pin-ups related articles from the blogosphere…

French Pin-Up Girl Costume – Black White Striped Fabric / Red

French Pin-Up Girl Costume – Black White Striped Fabric / Red Collar.

Publish Date: 09/05/2011 12:44

Classical French Style Pin up – Forums

Classical French Style Pin up CRITIQUE CENTER & W.I.P. SHOWCASE.

Publish Date: 09/04/2011 15:18

w a n d e r l u s t i n g s: p i nu p . h a i r . a n d . f r e n c h . l e s s o n s

p i nu p . h a i r . a n d . f r e n c h . l e s s o n s. i have been hanging on to this image for quite some time now. i like to do that – not sure why. maybe i have possessive tendencies. but i am seriously in love with this hair.

Publish Date: 08/24/2011 15:53

In Praise of Pierre Okley, a French Pin-Up Artist « Jon von Zelowitz's

[FR: Pierre Okley, un des rares artistes français qui travaillait dans le style "pinup".] I have often wondered whether great pinup artists existed in France. Answer: They did, but they were rare. One was Pierre-Laurent Brenot

Publish Date: 07/03/2011 14:38

French Braids leading to a Low Pin-Up

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