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Pin-up With A Phone – Pin Up for the Day! related articles from the blogosphere…
Mondiani's Pin Up | Mondiani Photoblog
Black pin –up in her undies, one big red dot in the background. … Click here to cancel reply. Name (required). Mail (will not be published) (required). Website. phone : +32(0)478.48.987 | email: Entries (RSS) and Comments (RSS).
Publish Date: 12/03/2010 4:10
The Trainwreck Union: Pin –up Girl against Fur
Pin –up Girl against Fur. I like the Ink, not mink ads from PETA. I dislike the fur trade intensely. The bassist in the Murder Bros., Karius Kiracofe, is talking about getting a fanboy tattoo, and I’m trying to convince him to not go through with it. Fanboy tattoos are the kinds of things people regret. I do love tattoos, though, and I support anyone who wants to add a sense of permanency to … Blog Wreck. The Green Life. 1 hour ago. refried ORACLE phone . 11 hours ago …
Publish Date: 12/03/2010 7:11
Miss TSA Calendar | X-Ray Pinup Calendar | Mediaite
Then say hello to the Miss TSA Calendar, a collection of photos that show girls in classic pinup positions. The catch? The pictures are all x-rays, so the only things that are visible in them are bones and the models’ high heels. … A Texas man was rushed to the hospital after his smart phone decided to end his phone call in a decidedly unusual way. As the man looks into legal action, experts will be seeking to see if the explosion was a manufacturer’s error or user …
Publish Date: 11/30/2010 9:50
http://www.mediaite.com/online/this-exists-the-miss-tsa-calendar-featuring-sexy -x-rays-of-girls-in-heels/
Beyonce Telephone Video Inspired Hair Tutorial – Lady Gaga 1950’s Pin Up Girl
SUBSCRIBE IT’S FREE!!! This is a tutorial showing how to achieve a look like Beyone has in Lady Gaga and Beyonces Telephone video. The video had loads of 1950’s inspired styles for hair and makeup. Check out my blog aubreylondonpinup.com for more 195…