Batt's classic pin-up pose
Mar 26th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Batt’s classic pin-up pose

Image by Alaskan Dude
Battikah (Anna) is one of my favorite models – I’ve shot with her numerous times over the years and we always have a good time together – she is so funny and full of energy whereas I’m dull and boring and full of other stuff. We did this shoot way back in the cold of winter in December 2009.

I think the theme was quasi-Gothic pin-up with some lingerie tossed in. Anna adds new tattoos each time I see her – she’s a walking piece of art any more. Enjoy the photos – it’s definitely time to shoot with her again.

Strobist info – I think I was using 2 Vivitar 285HV flash units set at 45 degree angles, one on 1/2 power and the other at 1/4th power triggered by Paul Buff Cybersync equipment – good stuff.

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