Changing Trends Of Animation
Dec 29th, 2010 by Aldouspi

Changing Trends Of Animation

The quick pace of the advancement in science and technology has developed animation. Phenakistoscope was a technique created before the creation of the cartoon based pictures. Phenakistoscope included simple drawings moving simultaneously giving the effect of animation. With this method, a person could create a variety of animated characters. However, this technique disappeared towards the end of twenty first century. New methods were introduced which resulted in the advancement of cartoon based pictures. Gradually animation advanced to greater heights and now several professional fields use this technique to impart knowledge or express ideas.

With the introduction of computer animation, many pictures or films have been created with great visual effects. There were many types of cartoon pictures that evolved with the advancement of computer technology. The modified computer technology and the development of software boosted the growth of the cartoon industry. Two-dimensional computer graphics developed which refers to the digital images generated by computer. This kind of graphics has been developed from traditional printing. These graphics give more control over the image. The two-dimensional graphics was introduced in 1950s. Then computer technology introduced 3D animation in 1970s with the first display of computer graphics ‘Furtureworld’. William Fetter coined the term ‘computer graphics’ in 1960. These graphics are technologically more advanced and use a three-dimensional representation of geometric data. This form of cartoon based pictures has undergone tremendous change over the years. Many tools and techniques have developed and modified animation. There is cel-shaded or toon shading graphics that designs the animation to give an impression of cartoon characters. In morph target, the vertex moves to different positions in each key frame. Skeletal graphics is used to create the human characters in cartoon. This form is often used by gaming or film industry. These are a few most advanced categories of animation which are useful for a variety of professions. It is used in corporate sector for making presentations and reports. Gaming and film industry has evolved greatly over the years. In naval field, it is used for preparing models of ships. In medical field or astronomy, it is used for explaining different concepts and techniques.

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2d Cartoon Animation
Dec 8th, 2010 by Aldouspi

2d Cartoon Animation

Animation is the rapid succession of a series of images in order to create an illusion of a moving picture. In other words, it is an optical impression of motion resulting from the phenomenon of persistence of vision. The moving pictures are produced through a string of consecutive images that reproduce motion by each image showing the next in a gradual progression of steps. If a series of 24 or less cartoon images run per second, it will result in a cartoon animation. Although animation is commonly demonstrated in the form of a motion picture or video program, any other forms of presenting animation also exist, including computer animation like 2D and 3D animations which encompasses a variety of techniques where the animation is created digitally on a computer.

In case of 2D animation, pictures are created and/or edited on the paper or computer screen in a two-dimensional environment such as cel animation or in computerized animation software. The two dimensional (2D) animation software gives movement and action to static images. These figures are created and edited using 2D bitmap graphics or by using 2D vector graphics including automated computerized versions of conventional animation techniques like tweening, morphing, onion skinning, blurring, cell animation, path animation and interpolated rotoscoping. Three dimensional representations of geometric data is stored in the computer to enable calculations and deliver 2D images.

2D animations such as Analog Computer Animation, Macromedia Flash, PowerPoint etc. can be produced using software tools. To give an element of motion to the object, a digital framework process called rigging is applied. The process of 2D Animation involves complete story boarding including each shot of the animation, background design, character design, cell animation, perfect voice synching and flow of the animation including the background music. Every shot in a 2D animation involves multiple single drawings of characters.

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At the inaugural D23 Expo where everything “Disney” was displayed, I took a video of Ron Stark, Imagineering artist, showing the art of airbrushing to produce a grayscale background in minutes. This is a test of the series of layered templates (stencils) they eventually used to align and create color background for the classic first full length animated movie, “Snow White.” A very interesting process! Now if we can only get grafitti “artists” to adopt this method and create similar landscapes with their aerosol paint over dilapidated walls and structures…

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