X-Mas 2012: …The Gift of Credit…
Jan 1st, 2013 by Aldouspi

Sure I’m a day late – but it’s been one hell of “end of the year” closing. Wrapping up teaching, flight cancel, flight delays, and spending a whole night in an airport – and that’s just to get across state…and I didn’t even do that much holiday shopping…

Not the best painting – trying to get my energy back….Hopefully back to full energy before Spring semester starts or I get hit by freelance again…
Scotland’s Art Blog

Military Boudoir Photography, it’s the perfect gift!
Oct 18th, 2012 by Aldouspi

At Boudoir Louisville, we shoot a TON of Military Wives. I guess it is our close proximity to Ft. Knox as well as other Military bases… We love shooting our Military Wives. They always come into the studio wanting something extra special to give to their husbands before they deploy. Sometimes, our clients will book a shoot and send the photo book over seas to their hubby that is already deployed. We love this! It is the exact reason pinup was created! We shoot Military themed boudoir photos for Navy Wives, Army Wives and Marine Wives. We always give our Military Wives a little something extra.
Hell, we also shoot a lot of WOMEN that serve in the Military. They book sessions with us so that they can come in and be girly for the day. Take a look at the photos below for a few ideas. We hope to see you soon!

Visit Boudoir Louisville for more details. To view our most up to date pinup and boudoir galleries, Click Here!If you are super bored, drop by our YouTube Channel and watch a few of our behind the scenes videos! Watch Now!Snapping gorgeous pinup and boudoir photography in Louisville, Cincinnati, Lexington and beyond!

Louisville Boudoir and Pinup Photographers

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