Zoe Mozert Pin-ups For Sale
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Zoe Mozert Pin-ups For Sale related articles from the blogosphere…
Partial Coverage – Pinup History XV: Zoe Mozert
Her name was Zoe Mozert and in the 1930s and '40s she was able to succeed in the male-dominated and competitive world of pinup painting with her spunk, good looks and immense talent. Zoe Mozert . Beauty and Brains – Mozert often used …
Publish Date: 04/06/2011 16:00
The Girl Next Door: Zoe Mozert
Zoe Mozert was born in 1907 and her original name was Alice Adelaide Moser. She was the most famous female pinup artists of the 20th century for her pastel style art work. She studied at the Industrial Art Institute in …
Publish Date: 05/05/2011 3:14
Photos: Stars and their portraits Johanna's blog
Joan Fulton posing for a pinup painting. [Image] Jane Russell being painted by Zoë Mozert for the poster of The Outlaw. I love Zoë's dress and hair! [Image] Not exactly a star, but a lovely picture of an anonymous pinup …
Publish Date: 07/08/2011 6:42
Classic Pin-Up Art by Harry Ekman, Pearl Frush, Joyce Ballantyne and Zoë Mozert
Joyce Ballantyne was a noteworthy member of the “girl’s club” among pin-up artists – her women were often more natural than the studiously coy poses of her male counterparts. she became part of a group of artists who were extremely close, both profes…
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