Pin-up Girl in Aviation Cap by Swep Plus Aviation Pin-ups
May 20th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Pin-up Girl in Aviation Cap by Swep Plus Aviation Pin-ups

Photographer: Swep

Girl And Photography

Aviation Pin-up For Sale

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Pin-up Girl in Aviation Cap by Swep Plus Aviation Pin-ups related articles from the blogosphere…

it's miss Kay jay friday, an arizona pin up update « Eavesdropping

… who a few months back had a small feature post in the beloved red dress series ( ) Today here she is again giving her take on an aviation pin up theme. …

Publish Date: 05/06/2011 10:17

pin up update with miss birthday girl, Kendell Clements

Categories: Pinup. This Sunday is my friend Kendell Clements big 21st Birthday and I wanted to post some of her pics and wish her the best on this momentous day!!!! These pics are from the shoot we did last March out at Thompson’s aviation yard and like the ones posted a few weeks back you can see Kendell has a charm and a magic in her modeling style and technique. If she were born a mermaid many a sailor and ship would be lost at sea, HAAAAA! …

Publish Date: 05/20/2011 13:33

The Satin Dollz | Musings of an Aviation Photographer

Quickly pulling out images and getting a lot of photos printed of both Aviation and Pinup photos, I put together a large portfolio showcase which I brought out to their birthday bash and displayed at the event. …

Publish Date: 09/15/2010 0:51 – Aviation and Pin Up art! – Dieselpunks

Ran across this randomly: They do aviation nose-art style pinups, both vintage reproductions and original work. Fun site to lo…

Publish Date: 01/11/2011 19:04

The making of Warbird Pinup Girls 2011 Calendar

Behind the scenes of the Warbird Pinup Girls 2011 Calendar produced by Elysium Multimedia, photography by Christian Kieffer see more photos and order the calendar online at:

The Pin-up Look by Rhys Frampton
Apr 21st, 2011 by Aldouspi

The Pin-up Look by Rhys Frampton

Rhys Frampton
Rhys Frampton

Girl And Photography

[phpbay]pin-up look, 15, “”, “”[/phpbay]

The Pin-up Look by Rhys Frampton related articles from the blogosphere…

ArtDonatella: 1940's PinUp Look & The Noughties

The ‘PinUp Look‘ – I always admired people who can pull this off, and I’ve seen some amazing results on some blogs, simply stunning! My result, not so much… Now, I am not extra feminine, nor am I girlie for that matter, …

Publish Date: 04/16/2011 12:00

'American Idol' Fashion Recap: Haley Reinhart's PinUp Girl Dress

Filed under: Fashion, Celebrity, News, Celebrity Style The remaining contestants got to voice their true fashion personalities for a freewheeling competition night devoted to songs of the 21st century.Permalink | Comments.

Publish Date: 04/21/2011 12:30

How, pinup girls look real? Before and after [PHOTOS

How, pinup girls look real? Before and after [PHOTOS]. Posted on April 9, 2011 by Lucyfer Marcin Mielnik. Skin face, age and size of models have been artificially corrected long before the invent of Photoshop. …

Publish Date: 04/09/2011 8:22

Fast Pin-Up Look Glam look for cheap, with Cover Girl make-up….go to blog for details….!

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