Watercolor Painting Some Ideas
Oct 4th, 2010 by Aldouspi

Watercolor Painting

Watercolor Painting Some Ideas

One of the most popular mediums used for painting is watercolor. This is because supplies are easily available in almost all art supplies stores, it is easy to use and it is cheaper compared to other mediums used for painting.

If you are interested in learning to paint, you might want to start with watercolor painting first. This is quite ideal because using watercolor for painting will give you the freedom to paint freely without worrying that you are wasting art supplies.

Also, seasoned artists also agree that watercolor painting can serve as a very good foundation for painting since it trains the neophyte in controlling pigments by using water. To those who have decided to give watercolor painting a chance, it is best to acquire a complete set of watercolor supplies first.

Such supplies would include a set of paints and pigments composed of cool and warm colors such as red, green, yellow, and blue. You would also need a set of brushes composed of round and flat brushes for texture and details. Thick paper is also needed for watercolor painting, because the paper absorbs and spreads the water used along with the pigments creating truly unique effects. Also, a palette is a must, for mixing and setting up paints, especially for those who will use tube watercolor sets.

Once you have all these supplies, you must also learn the basic techniques that are used in watercolor painting such as “wash,” “glazing,” “wet in wet,” “dry brush,” “lifting off,” and “dropping in color”. These techniques guide you how to use your pigment in various ways to achieve different effects.

After getting all the supplies that you need and learning most – or all – the watercolor techniques available, the next thing to be done is to get ideas on what to paint. Experts say painting ideas don’t come in a rush. You need to be observant on your environment and focus on the things that you want to paint.

For starters, you are encouraged to go on a nature trip, since nature is one of the best “muses” any painter or artist can have. Once outdoors, you want to observe the things that you see, such as the trees, animals, plants or even the clouds in the sky. Memorize its details, capturing them in your mind’s eye. This will make it easier for you to draw certain images from your memory.

The most basic watercolor painting ideas you can get from nature are images of trees, profile shots of flowers, the panoramic sky, animals in their natural state, and bodies of water.

You can paint these images as you see them or you can paint these according to your personal interpretation. Although it is ideal to start by painting these images in their normal state, it does not hurt, if you experiment with colors, orientation, sizes and shapes. This will help you understand what is possible to do with watercolors as well as help you develop a personal vision.

Aside from nature, you can also get watercolor painting ideas from people that you see, places you have been and experiences you have had in your life. All you have to do is to focus on what you want to paint and a surge of ideas will come bursting your way.

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Using Watercolors: 3 Basic Principles
Sep 10th, 2010 by Aldouspi

starting watercolor

Starting Watercolors: Basic Principles In Painting

Watercolors as an art medium is probably one of the trickiest to master – because being basically colored water, makes it problematic. Water, unlike oils and acrylics, doesn’t stick to the canvas. It actually warps the canvas as it is applied. In a way, watercolors fight you the entire way through a painting.

So why use them? Because watercolors are non-toxic and easy-to-use. This is great for beginners as it gives them less things to worry about. It makes the medium an excellent starting place to introduce painting to children. Note that oil paints and acrylics need special care when used and can be dangerous for those using them.

What the artist need to be concerned with is how to paint properly using watercolors. For those people who’re still having trouble painting in this medium, here are a few tips to help you improve your technique:

a) Have A Good Set Of Supplies – One of the rules about getting anything done is to have a good foundation. In painting, this means you have to have a decent set of supplies and tools. Substandard equipment can make your attempt at watercolors a painful experience.

To get a proper set of supplies, here are the important ones you need: a proper brush, a good set of paints and the appropriate type of paper. There are a few more things that you should have, but these three are the most important.

First of all, if you can only have one brush, then purchase a #8 round red sable watercolor brush. Other brushes can be purchased later, but this particular brush is good for general use. Next, you can purchase a good set of “academic” watercolors as a starter set for your attempt at painting. These usually have a good selection of pigments for you.

Finally, always use watercolor paper, whether they be in a pad or a sheet – watercolor paper is thicker and heavier so you won’t have to deal much with the warping caused by the water being painted on the paper.

b) Learn To Hold Your Brush – Using your brush properly is another way to make sure your painting comes out right. There are several ways to hold your brush to maximize the effect of your painting.

The classic hold is used when you’re using the brush like a pen – this is why you hold it similar to the grip used when writing, although your hand is further back on the brush.

Another hold is the pinch, where you hold the brush as if you were picking it up from the table. This allows you to better paint downward strokes. There are several other holds that you will need to know, but these two are the most basic.

c) Learn How To Wash – “Washing” in watercolor terms is to build up layers of color with your brush to get a particular level of depth and detail. This is the most basic skill in watercolor painting so you will need to learn it.

It’s simple really – for a simple flat wash, just paint an initial stroke on the canvas, then follow it up with another stroke beneath it. The result should be like a stacking tower of color.

There you go! These tips should help you start on your way to proper watercolor painting.

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