Drawn In: A Peek into the Inspiring Sketchbooks of 44 Fine Artists, Illustrators, Graphic Designers, and Cartoonists
Aug 12th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Drawn In: A Peek into the Inspiring Sketchbooks of 44 Fine Artists, Illustrators, Graphic Designers, and Cartoonists

This book shares large full-color images and profiles each of the amazingly talented artists that discuss their sketchbooks and how they use them.

People are fascinated by artist’s sketchbooks. They offer a glimpse into private pages where artists brainstorm, doodle, develop and work on ideas, and keep track of their musings. Artists use these journals to document their daily lives, produce their initial ideas for bigger projects, and practice their skills. Using a variety of media fr

List Price: $ 24.99 Price: $ 15.09

Artist Sketchbooks For Sale

[phpbay]Artist Sketchbook, 18, “”, “”[/phpbay]

Artist Sketchbook related articles from the blogosphere…


I sell prints at www.chloemorris.bigcartel.com More of my artwork (and some of those shown in more detail) at www.chloemorris.deviantart.com This is all of my fine art work from my A2 year. The projects are: Fear, Age, Personal Study and Snapshot. Mo…

Sara Pichelli's Ultimate Sketchbook The artist on… | Kyoko has a blog

Sara Pichelli's Ultimate Sketchbook The artist on the new Ultimate Comics Spider-Man takes us behind the scenes on the creation of Miles Morales and more. “ • “At one point I decided to give Miles a…

Publish Date: 08/09/2011 14:26


Everyday Artist: Sketchbook Journeys – Colorado: Page 7

Late afternoon, sitting on the banks of the river with my sketchbook on my lap, while my mother and sister chatted and watched Karli tossing stones in the water – these are the moments to remember from a vacation. That's why

Publish Date: 07/17/2011 3:53


APP Spotlight: SketchBook Pro for iPad | Art Classes, NYC – Ashcan

Today's artists have many choices when comes to expressing their creativity. With the innovative SketchBook Pro app available on the iPad, artists can create original and amazing images right on their own screen!

Publish Date: 07/27/2011 6:48


Another Coca Cola Pin-up and Some Pepsi Pin-ups
Jan 21st, 2011 by Aldouspi

Another Coca Cola Pin-up and Some Pepsi Pin-ups

Pin-up Cartoon
Image by Luiz Fernando / Sonia Maria
Montagens de Logos Coca Cola com Pin-Ups !!!. Essas Montagens não são propagandas oficiais da Marca Coca Cola.
São Montagens feitas no meu bom amigo PhotoShop !!!

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Pepsi Pin-up related articles from the blogosphere…

Art » Blog Archive » Vintage Pepsi Cola Magnet

Vintage Pepsi Cola Magnet. More Bounce to the Ounce – Vintage Pepsi Cola Advertisement Slogan Magnet – Pepsi Cola Advertising Painting with Pin Up Girl, Pepsi Cola Bottle and Pepsi Cola Cap. 1950′s type ads Pepsi-Cola, Cool Pepsi

Publish Date: 01/21/2011 17:32


The Rebel PINUP Page: GIRL TUESDAY: January 25th, 2011

5 comments: Anonymous said… genial ,un bon esprit je range mon appareil photo des aujourd’hui. 12:14. Anonymous said… Can I have Pepsi and her please;). 14:35. Anonymous said… beautiful. 14:57. Anonymous said… awesome! …. Submit. The Rebel PINUP Page features a beautiful pinup girl everyday… “Eat your heart out.” * Please Note: All photos featured on The Rebel PINUP Page are with the expressed permission of either the photographer or model. …

Publish Date: 01/25/2011 10:44


Famous pinup girls | Girls Hot Pictures

The pinup girl on the front pages the term primarily used in the attractive ladies, who have rented their garage is all fair, military barracks, lockers. The popular pinup art, photographers, painters, graphic designers alike. …

Publish Date: 01/12/2011 10:34


Pepsi Refresh Everything Grant for Pin-Ups For Vets

Founder Gina Elise of nonprofit, “Pin-Ups For Vets” asks you to vote for this organization in the Pepsi Refresh Everything contest for a grant that would fund a Veterans and Military Hospital tour of 50 states to bring some fun and appreciation to ou…

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