The Art Of Housekeeping
There is an art to housekeeping. People who care about the cleanliness and upkeep of their home and immediate surroundings need to cultivate good cleaning habits. Hey, even the earliest cave dwellers at some point realized the benefits of regularly throwing moldy bones out of their rock shelters. Good housekeeping can be learned through practice and application, just as someone can be taught to create a beautiful painting even if they are not a ‘natural born’ artist

Art Smith, the award-winning, personal chef to Oprah Winfrey, returns to the kitchen with Art Smith’s Healthy Comfort, a collection of 150 original, delicious recipes that will help you lose weight.Over 100 pounds overweight and facing a personal health crisis that included diagnoses for diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol, Smith started to exercise and made changes to his diet while continuing to prepare scrumptious meals.For the first time, he shares his weight-loss secrets a
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