Nurse Pin-up and Others Plus More Nurse Pin-ups
Oct 31st, 2011 by Aldouspi

Nurse Pin-up and Others by Kelly Plus More Nurse Pin-ups


Wow, this month really flew by! Wanted to share a *sneak peak* at some new album designs and let folks know that I’m almost booked through November/December for holiday sessions but it’s never too early to start planning for your sweetheart for Valentine’s! I know it seems early but time just flys, doesn’t it? So make a date to get pampered by our stylists, pick out a few pieces of sexy things to wear and leave the rest up to us! Simple, isn’t it? We’ll make it worth your time. Give a gift your loved one will never forget! Contact me to book a session in January (by Nov 30th or before spots fill up) and I’ll offer you a special bonus Print or Photo Credit ($ 100 Value!) Here’s some sweet Pin-Up inspiration and sample Album Design, see more on my Facebook Page. Thanks for stopping by and hope to see you soon! Happy Halloween weekend! xoxo Kelly (408)329-2511

Album design by:

Posted via email from Pin Up’s by Kelly

Pin-Up & Boudoir Photography

Nurse Pin-up For Sale

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Nurse Pin-up and Others by Kelly Plus More Nurse Pin-ups

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Women’s Pin-Up Pirate Costume, Plus More Pin-up Costumes
Oct 23rd, 2011 by Aldouspi

Women’s Pin-Up Pirate Costume, Plus More Pin-up Costumes

Women’s Pin-Up Pirate Costume, Black/White, One Size

  • Black and white striped peplum with jagged hem and white layered skirt with black lace overlay
  • Black corset belt with silver trim and lace-up detail and black lace boot tops with silver bows and trim
  • Crinoline skirt for extra poof
  • Dress features white lace around the off-the-shoulder bust line, sheer white flared sleeves that are gathered below the shoulders
  • Look to Forum Novelties for all your Halloween, Luau, Easter, Mardi Gras, and St Patrick’s Day supplies

Sail the seven seas or be Miss October in this 50’s style sexy Pin-up Pirate Costume. You’ll be the prized pin-up girl of the night. Forum Novelties Pin-Up Pirate Costume includes an off-the-shoulder black and white dress with skirt attached. Crinoline added for a fuller look, sexy black corset belt with silver trim and lace-up detail and black lace boot tops with silver bows and trim. The sexy pirate dress features white lace around the off-the-shoulder bust line, flared sleeves gather below th

List Price: $ 49.99

Price: $ 35.79

Pin-up Costumes For Sale

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