Drawing of a Lion Plus More Lion Art
Jan 10th, 2012 by Aldouspi

Drawing of a Lion Plus More Lion Art

I have recently made a drawing of a lion which, I hope, would be the first drawing of my future wildlife series. I also created a video to show how I was drawing this beautiful big feline.

lion art drawing
Drawing of a lion I created for my future wildlife series

royalty free image, lion drawing, high resolution

Igor Lukyanov – Graphic Artist | Illustrator | Portraitist

Lion Art For Sale

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Drawing of a Lion Plus More Lion Art related articles from the blogosphere…

Lion King Fan Art

art by the truly amazing people at fanart.lionking.org, with what i think is a truly amazing song. (with a bit of kingdom hearts fanart too)

Joe Weatherly Fine Art: AFRICAN LION


AFRICAN LION. Here is an oil "sketch" of an african lion. I was going for the attitude of this great cat and a simple designed background. Posted by Joe Weatherly Fine Art at 8:46 AM

The Dying Lion — Valentine Makhouleen — interactive art director


From the early 17th century, a regiment of Swiss mercenaries had served as part of the Royal Household of France. On 6 October 1789, King Louis XVI had been.

Peter Gray's Comics and Art: Happy New Year with Lion comic 1966


A great eye catching New Year cover..heres the info about it. Quite a clever way to use the New Year motif…also the robot and pals wrecking our own weapons for our own good..a clever twist! quite a chilling tale…and what a

Happy Birthday to the best assistant – Plus Britt Pinups
Nov 12th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Happy Birthday to the best assistant – Plus Britt Pinups

Well, in all fairness, I don’t have anything to compare her to. She has been my only assistant since day one! I would like to think that if I had previous assistants, she would have been the best out of them all! Let’s just go with that for now!


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Britt Pin-ups For Sale

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Happy Birthday to the best assistant – Plus Britt Pin-ups

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Happy Thanksgiving!! Please leave a classic 5 star rating, be sure to comment & don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE!!! By Stevie Ryan & Adam Franklin Add us! myspace.com twitter.com myspace.com twitter.com TAGS: how to make a turkey pin up girl style burlesque…

Happy Anniversary to My Favorite Pinups


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In Pursuit of my Inner Pin-up: Happy New Year!


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The Whoops A Daisy PinUp Dress | Kazzthespazz.com


The Whoops A Daisy PinUp Dress. November 12 PinUp Style Kazzthespazz.com. When I think of PinUp style, the artwork of Alberto Vargas and Gil Elvgren come to mind. Happy Sewing! Posted in Creative ♥, Sew You♥

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