Exploring The Universe: Space Art
Dec 3rd, 2017 by Aldouspi

Space has always fascinated me. I had hoped that by now, we would have a base on the moon and by harvesting resources from asteroids. And maybe, just maybe, we would discover the means to travel faster than light and start exploring other solar systems. But instead, we have gotten bogged down…

Still we have been able to explore outer space through such amazing instrument as the Hubble Space Telescope. This instrument and the Spitzer Telescope as well as spacecraft like Voyager I and II, have gather amazing amount of information about the planets, stars and regions of space that lie beyond our atmosphere.

Over the past couple of years, I have been collecting together some of the images brought back to Earth by Hubble and rest. These are Views of the Universe and other Space Art. Recently, I have put together a book of amazingly beautiful images of space that the Universe has created both here in the Solar System as well a millions of light years away.

This new Kindle Book of this space art has now been published at Exploring the Universe: the Art of Space . Additionally, several of these images are available as photo prints and can now be found on Amazon at my store: Goods Galore.

Here is the cover of the book:

I have included below some links to specific space art photo prints…

Before I get to those photo prints, here is a current bibliography of my other Kindle books on Amazon.

Classic Fine Art Nudes: Volume One Great Artists!
Vampire Limericks and Other Bits of Humor – Limericks and cartoons
The Case of the Missing Book – A Perry Mason Reading List.
The Farewell Kiss – a comedic monologue based on the works of Edgar Allen Poe.
Sat the Selfish Bear – a children’s story.
My Life on eBay or My Part-time Job for the Last 21 Years!
Black Men Skin Care Guide

Resource Section

You will find a variety of photo prints for sale at my store on Amazon. Please visit:
Goods Galore.

Links for Individual Exploring the Universe Photo Prints – Top Eleven Art of Space Photo Prints:

    Other Space Art For Sale

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Shadowplay by Emmeline Layglon Plus More Shadowplay Art
Mar 23rd, 2012 by Aldouspi

Shadowplay by Emmeline Layglon Plus More Shadowplay Art


by Emmeline Layglon (mamzelmistic)

Shadowplay Art related articles from the blogosphere…

shadow art, shadow, play

shadow art , shadow,play , magic play,

The Face on the Barsoom Floor « shadowplay


The Face on the Barsoom Floor. I was trying to recall what the poster reminded me of… JOHN CARTER in 3D and Imax — I never actually saw an Imax feature before. When our local hydraplex first got an Imax screen, all they

Shadowplay NYC Offers Space-Age Fashion Inspired by Hubble


Each of Shadowplay's garments is digitally custom-printed with actual images from NASA's Hubble Space Telescope.

Shadowplay | Flickr – Photo Sharing!


Shadowplay – This photo isn't post processed at all with HDR, layers or any color alterations. The shadows contribute a lot of drama and I'm surprised at how well my camera handled the gargantuan difference between sunny and shady


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