Go Go Amy’s Pinup Class in Louisville, Ky. – Sign up now – May 28th!
That’s right kids! The lovely Go Go Amy will be dropping by the Boudoir Louisville studio May 28th to teach her world famous Pinup Girl Class!
Have you ever dreamed of being a vintage pin up girl? Well now you can transform into the vintage vixen you’ve always wanted to be. World famous pin up model and burlesque dancer, go-go Amy has teamed up with Boudoir Louisville to bring her fabulous pin up modeling class to Louisville where you will learn to release your inner bombshell. If you are a seasoned model or a housewife who’s never worn make up before this class is for you! We strive to keep this a very body positive experience, insisting that true glamor has no height, size or age requirement. All you need is a positive attitude and an open mind. In the class you will learn the history of pin up, posing tips and get a hair and make up demonstration. Then you will be able to test what you have learned with a fabulous photo shoot. You will leave with a book with all the details about the information you have learned in the class complete with a resource guide to help you figure out your next steps in your life as a pin up model.
Space is limited, so don’t lollie-gag around!
Email us at info@boudoirlouisville.com to reserve your spot.
Class is from 1pm-7pm Saturday May 28th, 2011
Our studio is located just 2 blocks from the Beatersville Car Show!
The class will set you back $ 250.
We require a $ 125 retainer as well as a signed policy page to reserve your spot.
To book, please send us an email!
Louisville Boudoir and Pinup Photographers
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Go Go Amy’s Pinup Class in Louisville, Ky. – Sign up now – May 28th! related articles from the blogosphere…
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