Robert Crumb Coming Home To America
Apr 26th, 2010 by Aldouspi

robert crumb art
Will Robert Crumb's return to America (beginning in October), spark a revived interest in his art?

It is purely a speculative personal opinion, but it seems that this eminent artist’s return to the U.S. would arouse interest in his work here. Back “home,” Robert Crumb would be more accessible and so would his work.

I would love to see him be invited to the White House. Maybe a short session in the Rose Garden, where Robert and his wife, Aline Crumb, could both do a quick sketch of President Obama. The sketches could be printed and the proceeds could go to foster Jazz or fight climate change…

My suggestion: Mr. Natural greets the President…

Robert Crumb on modern culture

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Early Jazz Greats Boxed Trading Card Set by R. Crumb
Feb 26th, 2010 by Aldouspi

Product Description
Thirty-six legendary blues musicians painted by Robert Crumb with concise biographies on reverse. Featured are such luminaries as Louis Armstrong, Bix Beiderbecke, Jellyroll Morton, King Oliver, Jack Teagarden, Earl Hines, Duke Ellington, Sidney Bechet, Thomas “Fats” Waller, Bennie Moten, Mary Lou Williams, Jimmy Noone and Benny Goodman as well as Fletcher Henderson, Joe Venuti, Alex Hill, Eddie South, Ernest & Punch Miller, Frank Trumbauer, Lammar Wright, Muggsy Sp… More >>

Early Jazz Greats Boxed Trading Card Set by R. Crumb

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