Artistic Tile – Add Home Beauty and Style to Last a Lifetime
Mar 3rd, 2011 by Aldouspi

Artistic Tile – Add Home Beauty and Style to Last a Lifetime

Artistic Tile

I was in the middle of a bathroom remodel when a friend suggested I look at artistic tile.

Now I had no clue as to what “artistic” tile was, but Julie kept after me, saying that she had seen some incredible bathrooms with this type of tile.

I told her okay, I’d look at it, but that she’d need to steer me in the right direction.

Artistic Tile is One-of-a-Kind

Julie is the type of person who loves to be different, and she envisioned my new bathroom to be the same way. (Julie doesn’t like to have anything that anyone else has!)

She explained that this tile is made from a number of different materials including glass, ceramic or porcelain. The beauty of the tile comes from the fact that tiles are handmade and hand-painted by the potter or artist, making each tile original and unique.

Yes, Julie told me, artistic tile can be expensive since it is so very labor-intensive. This tile is designed for any place one would normally put tile, in bathrooms, kitchens, entryways and foyers, floors and walls.

Julie also explained that these tiles are glazed and fired to last a lifetime. They don’t fade or wash off. So once the investment is made, artistic tile is good for the life of the home.

Choose Entire Rooms or Just Single Tile Accents

I explained to Julie that my budget is pretty well fixed, and using artistic tiles sounds expensive!

But Julie told me that the budget is completely up to me. She said that yes, it can be expensive to do the entire bathroom in tile that has been hand-painted by an artist. However, she said, you can choose to place just a few artistic tiles here and there as accents.

“You would still get the unique aspect of the tile in your bath,” she told me, “but with only a few accent tiles here and there, your cost will be manageable – and your bath will be one-of-a-kind!”

Where Can You Find Artistic Tile?

The next issue we had to tackle was exactly where could we go to see artistic tile?

If you live near a large metropolitan area, then it’s pretty likely that you can walk into a tile showroom and see some of the tiles designed by artists. Many of these are high end boutique-type of showrooms, so be prepared to see expensive price tags.

But what if you live in the country, or in an area where there are no artistic tile showrooms available? Then take advantage of the world wide web!

You can actually see a number of different artistic tiles online, and many artists who are trying to break into the industry have created websites showcasing their art.

The web is a perfect place to start even if you do live near a metro area, since the artists’ websites can give you a good idea as to colors, styles and mediums available. Remember that tiles can be created from ceramic, glass or porcelain. You may find that the best application for your bathroom remodel will be glass tile. Or you may find that the best application for your kitchen back splash will be ceramic tile.

You may see something online that will fire your “creative juices!” If nothing else, shopping online for artistic tiles will provide a place to start your imagination working.

What Can You Expect to Pay for Artistic Tile?

Well, in a nutshell, a lot. Remember that artistic tile is handmade and usually hand-painted, so a lot of labor is required for each tile. Many tile showrooms will not list their prices online, so you may have to call them.

On the other hand, you may find new artists who are just starting their careers in tile. Often new artists will charge less for their work. Don’t be afraid to search online way down the Google search listings. Read through pages 10, 12, 15, 20 and so on. I did find one potter who listed that a single, hand-painted 6 x 6 inch tile, ready to hang, ran . This artist also listed the same tile with a frame (like a picture) at each.

And of course, should you choose to do a mural or other larger space with artistic tile, then your cost will increase accordingly.

So how did I complete my bathroom remodel? Julie and I picked out a small mural, 3 tiles by 5 tiles (18 inches by 30 inches) to use on one wall, and then a few accent tiles that we spread around the bath to highlight the mural. Total cost was about 0 for the tiles and installation.

And how do I like it? I love it! Every time I walk into my bath, I enjoy the rich colors and unique look.
Best of all, I know that I can enjoy my new bath for decades to come, and if I ever decide to sell my home, I’ve added style and eye-appeal sure to resonate with a buyer.

And all from a few artistic tiles!

This Author really loves his home and family and lives life to the full. He also loves to learn about everything. Feel free to see some of his interests at UTV Accessories. —- Article from

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