The Impressionistic Artwork of Konstantin Razumov
Nov 26th, 2016 by Aldouspi

Welcome to the Modern Impressionism of Russian artist Konstantin Razumov. These beautiful paintings show the mastery of both Realism and Impressionism techniques. In most of his figural paintings, the features of hands and face are painted realistically, while fabrics and the surrounding backgrounds are painted with an impressionist brushstroke. While seeming to be a combination of Renoir and Vegas, Razumov’s abilities go beyond such a description to create his own unique vision.

Born in 1974, the world can look forward o many more special piece of art from this art world treasure.


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A collection of paintings by Razumov to the sounds of a waltz by Shostakovich

News About Konstantin Razumov

Fine Art Nude At Vanity by Konstantin Razumov
Feb 3rd, 2016 by Aldouspi

This is a traditional subject for a fine art painting: a beautiful woman sitting before her vanity mirror, putting on perfume

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A bit about Konstantin Razumov and Fine Art Nudes

    Some art critics say that Konstantin Razumov, a Russian impressionist painter, is at his artistic best when his subjects are young ladies. But, of course, this artist has painted all kinds of subjects, from nudes to landscapes – each something wort viewing.

    Having studied History Painting at the Ilya Glazounov’s Academy, Konstantin Razumov has become a master of emulating the classic painting style, but as you can see from the painting here, he still puts a contemporary spin on his work.

    What is the difference between artistic nude and fine art nude? It depends upon who likes the image. If you like it, it is an artistic nude. If you like and your are an art critic or expert, then it is a fine art nude… Another way to look at it is how the subject is used: a fine art nude is less to do with the model, the lighting the camera, the paints used or anything but the FEEL of the final result.

    The fine art nude photography is almost as old as photography itself and has long been established as a form of appreciation of the human body. Fine Art Nudes are as classic as art gets, which often contain an element that is incredibly mysterious!

Books About Fine Art Nudes

    Buy this TITLE: The Victorian Nude: Sexuality, Morality, and Art

    Controversy surrounding nudity in art is as strong now as it was during the 19th century. Selected Victorian paintings of the nude are still hidden from public view. In this work, the author unravels the background to this situation and reveals the paradox of the nude as an object of public moral outrage. The text reveals how images of the nude were used at all levels of Victorian culture, from high-art paintings to photographs and popular entertainments. It questions whether these were a valid form of representation or, in fact, pornography.

    The nude was considered to be the most prestigious and pure form of art, whilst at the same time was vilified by the state because of its incitement to unregulated sexual activity. The book includes discussion on the work of Lord Leighton, Burne-Jones, Rosetti, Millais, Watts, Waterhouse, Henrietta Rae and Anna Lea Merritt.


    Buy this TITLE: Modern Japanese Art and the Meiji State: The Politics of Beauty

    This is an insightful and intelligent re-thinking of Japanese art history & its Western influences. This broad-ranging and profoundly influential analysis describes how Western art institutions and vocabulary were transplanted to Japan in the late nineteenth century. In the 1870-80s, artists and government administrators in Japan encountered the Western ‘system of the arts’ for the first time. Under pressure to exhibit and sell its artistic products abroad, Japan’s new Meiji government came face-to-face with the need to create European-style art schools and museums – and even to establish Japanese words for art, painting, artist, and sculpture.

    “Modern Japanese Art” is a full re-conceptualization of the field of Japanese art history, exposing the politics through which the words, categories, and values that structure our understanding of the field came to be while revealing the historicity of Western and non-Western art history.


    Fine Art Nude Paintings For Sale

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News About Fine Art Nudes

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