Corbusier-Inspired Chaise Bathtub by Omvivo
Dec 12th, 2014 by Aldouspi

corbusier-inspired chaise bathtub le cob bath by omvivo

corbusier-inspired chaise bathtub le cob bath by omvivo

Design by Omvivo


Seen here is a stunning Le Corbusier-inspired ‘chaise lounge’ bathtub by Omvivo. Le Cob Bath holds significantly less water than a conventional bath and can be used in a similar way to the traditional Japanese soaker bath. The cascading overflow into the pebbles below is simply elegant. For more information visit Omvivo.

Charles-Édouard Jeanneret-Gris, who was better known as Le Corbusier (October 6, 1887 – August 27, 1965), was a Swiss-French architect, designer, painter, urban planner, writer, and one of the pioneers of what is now called modern architecture. He was born in Switzerland and became a French citizen in 1930. His career spanned five decades, with his buildings constructed throughout Europe, India, and America. [source]



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More Thoughts on Le Corbusier

Le Corbusier’s Furniture is a classic furniture line created by Le Corbusier. The line was introduced in 1928 at the Salon d‘Autumne in Paris by Le Corbusier and his team of designers.

Le Corbusier began experimenting with furniture design in 1928 after inviting the architect, Charlotte Perriand, to join his studio. His cousin, Pierre Jeanneret, also collaborated on many of the designs. Before the arrival of Perriand, Le Corbusier relied on ready made furniture to furnish his projects, such as the simple pieces manufactured by Thonet, the company that manufactured his designs in the 1930s.

Le Corbusier developed the Modulor in the long tradition of Vitruvius, Leonardo da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man, the work of Leone Battista Alberti, and other attempts to discover mathematical proportions in the human body and then to use that knowledge to improve both the appearance and function of architecture. The system is based on human measurements, the double unit, the Fibonacci numbers, and the golden ratio. Le Corbusier described it as a “range of harmonious measurements to suit the human scale, universally applicable to architecture and to mechanical things”.

In 1960, Le Corbusier was mandated by Heidi Weber, a Swiss art collector and patron, to conceive a public exhibition building – a museum dedicated to his won works. One year later, the first drawings for a building to be constructed in concrete were presented. Then in 1962, the concept was changed to a steel building. Two years later the construction was started, in 1965 Le Corbusier died, and on July 15, 1967, the Centre Le Corbusier was officially inaugurated.

The Centre Le Corbusier can be considered a Gesamtkunstwerk, i.e. a total work of art, and reflects the harmonic unity of Le Corbusier’s architecture, sculptures, paintings, furniture designs and his writings which is unique and possibly the only one such existing structure in the world.

==> For more information about Le Corbusier, check out this link: Artsy’s Le Corbusier page.

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Six Great Artists of the 20th Century: From Painting To Modern Floor Lamps
Dec 13th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Six Great Artists of the 20th Century: From Painting To Modern Floor Lamps


It is an interesting question of what art will stand the test of time. Homer’s “The Odyssey” was written near the end of the 8th century BC, and is thought to be based on events that occurred circa 1178 BC. And this epic poem has certainly survived the passage of the ages.

Homer’s work is an example of art from what is considered the age of Antiquity – events that happened between three thousand and fifteen hundred years ago. The beginning of the Modern Era – up to today, started with the humanism of the Italian Renaissance. But it was the twentieth century which witnessed the largest explosion of art and culture. Which makes me wonder what artist will be studied and even known about by scholars two thousand years from now.

They will certainly be looking at the best of the best. From painting and sculpture, to modern design and theater, and everything in between, the culture from the 20th century will be scrutinized and evaluated. Here are some artists that may make it… as still being important.

In painting, we automatically think of Picasso, one of the greatest artists of his time. He created the avant-garde and destroyed it, emulated the Old Masters and surpassed them. His legacy continues to live on and is still difficult to measure less than half a century after his death.

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Rodin worked with clay and wrote the final chapter of a sculptural tradition that began five hundred years earlier with Donatello. His iconic “The Thinker” is as satirized as the Mona Lisa, and yet it remains larger than life.

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Le Corbusier invented modern architecture. His work omits the supporting structure of walls, replacing them with pilotis, or stilts underneath the house. He advocated open windows to allow unencumbered views, as well as rooftop gardens to compensate for a lack of green space. It is easy to imagine his architectural influence in a more crowded 21st-century cityscape.

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In terms of interior design, perhaps no one epitomized modernity as did Serge Mouille. His modern floor lamps, wiry and sleek, black and elegant, represent the drawn-back minimalism of the post-war generation.

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Bob Dylan wrote the most poetic lyrics of the 20th century. His songs influenced a generation, and along with the Beatles, he was the most popular singer/ songwriter of his day.

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James Joyce drew on the Western Literary Tradition to create one of the most difficult and obscene books the world has ever known. Although banned for more than a decade after its publication, his Ulysses remains a masterpiece.

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These artists will continue to influence generations. Because they lived so recently, it’s hard to imagine how important they are and will continue to be. But, their legacies are intact in the works they created while alive. has mid century modern lighting designed by Serge Mouille, a legend in metal lighting fixtures.

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