Hercules: The Twelve Labors: A Greek Myth (Graphic Myths and Legends)
Apr 15th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Hercules: The Twelve Labors: A Greek Myth (Graphic Myths and Legends)

  • ISBN13: 9780822564850
  • Condition: New

Famous for his superhuman strength, Hercules is the most popular hero in Greek mythology. The son of Zeus–king of the gods–and a mortal mother, Hercules faces the wrath of Zeus’s wife Hera, who resents her illegitimate stepson and vows to bring him misery. With her magical powers, she tricks Hercules into performing a series of twelve seemingly impossible labors, each one a test of his strength, courage, cunning, and fighting skill. Is Hercules strong enough to foil her scheme? For this exciti

List Price: $ 8.95

Price: $ 4.67

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[phpbay]Hercules myths, 12, “”, “”[/phpbay]

Hercules Myths: The Twelve Labors: A Greek Myth (Graphic Myths and Legends) related articles from the blogosphere…

hercules myth:Hercules and the Wagoner | Fairy Tales List

Today i will tell you a hercules myth:Hercules and the Wagoner. A carter was driving a wagon along a country lane, when the wheels sank down deep into a rut. The rustic driver, stood looking at the wagon, and did nothing but utter loud …

Publish Date: 02/01/2001 0:00


Myths Are Stories That Only Have The Meaning We Give Them « Joshua

Hercules says, “No power on Earth can stop me from doing the same stupid things over and over.” This suggests that superheroes are a better myth because they have the powers of gods but remain always mortal, always able to break their …

Publish Date: 03/16/2011 17:10


Mythology: Back to school with Hercules or is it Heracles…both!

Back to school with Hercules or is it Heracles…both! Dear Mythology Kids, If you missed class, we accomplished the following in class: Don’t forget that you will have a QUIZ covering the irony found within the myth of “Heracles,” and …

Publish Date: 01/05/2011 8:47


Hercules the True Myth

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Mike Ludlow Pin-up Artist
Apr 11th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Mike Ludlow Pin-up Artist

Mike Ludlow was a glamour illustrator who did much pin-up work in the late 1950s for Esquire. He painted the entire twelve-page calendar for 1957 – the last published by the magazine. His pin-ups also appeared in the series of three-page centerfolds known as Esquire's Lady Fair. For these works, Ludlow often called on actresses like Virginia Mayo and popular personalities like Betsy Von Furstenberg in addition to professional models.
Ad works for Balantine Ale, Douglas Aircraft, RCA (classical LP covers). Story art for Saturday Evening Post, Esquire, Good Housekeeping, Family Circle.


Mike Ludlow Pin-up Artist

[phpbay]Mike Ludlow, 21, “”, “”[/phpbay]

Mike Ludlow Pin-up Artist related articles from the blogosphere…

Legends of Illustrations: Mike Ludlow: Pin Up and Cartoon Girls

Mike Ludlow (1921) – Glamour Pin Up Illustrations vintage illustration girl. Ludlow was a glamour illustrator who did much pin-up work in the late 1950s for Esquire. He painted the entire twelve-page calendar for 1957 – the last …

Publish Date: 04/11/2011 2:01


Today's Inspiration: Mike Ludlow, Advertising Artist

Since Mike Ludlow didn’t have a particularly unique style for that era I may have seen many examples of Ludlow-illustrated advertisements and not realized it was him and not, say, Lynn Buckham. …

Publish Date: 01/28/2011 8:48


KILLER COVERS: He Had a Way with Women

Leif Peng, the Canadian commercial artist behind the blog Today’s Inspiration, brings the sad news that American illustrator Mike Ludlow (born in 1921) died on December 11 of last year. According to a brief biography from The Great …

Publish Date: 01/26/2011 14:21


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