Zoltan Szabo’s 70 Favorite Watercolor Techniques Plus Zoltan Szabo Art For Sale
Learn Zoltan Szabo’s Painting Secrets
Learn dozens of fun and effective watercolor techniques from the master. Zoltan Szabo shows you how to use your paint, brushes and palette knives to create the look of wispy clouds, jagged granite, rolling surf, sun-gilded snow and much more. And if you love to paint water, see the special section on the rules of reflection.
Inside you’ll also find a gallery of step-by-step painting demonstrations and other examples of Zoltan Sza
List Price: $ 24.99
Price: $ 16.32
This book approaches painting in a traditional manner with an extreme sensitivity to light and texture.15 demonstrations (4 complete painting demos, 11 short technique demos) show how to master essential techniques and paint a variety of textures (crystal, flowers, fruit, lace, silver, rusted metal, wood, fabric, hair) in various lighting situations. 10 full-page sidebars interview 10 popular artists who paint light, offering the reader various perspectives and approaches to the topic.The book i
List Price: $ 29.99
Price: $ 17.49
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Paintbrushes: Bristle Slant by Zoltan Szabo – 2 inch
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Gayle Mondie, AFAF Artist of the Month for August Antioch & Fox …
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Interview with Sterling Edwards
www.cheapjoes.com — Welcome to Cheap Joe’s Test Studio! JM Hello, I’m Joe from Cheap Joe’s Art Stuff and I’m so honored today to have with me Sterling Edwards. SE: Thank you. JM: The paintings that you just looked at before we began this little inte…