from Italy artist Lina Sari, “Inclinazioni” east gallery space 301 Apr 11th, 2014 by Aldouspi
a fascinating insight into the mind of an obviously very passionate and versatile artist……….exhibition supported by The Italian Embassy and The Institute of Italian Culture Tokyo. visit the artist at her website
It is through Lina Sari’s debut exhibition in Tokyo that Design Festa Gallery aims to offer the oriental eye a peek into the world of this Italian contemporary artist. INCLINAZIONI’S compendium delves into the ‘cracks’ to be found in traditional western philosophical thought. The artist creates works around the idea of a vertical or upright subject, falling in distress due to a change of incline, to the appearance of the act of leaning.
(above LINA SARI)
A graduate form the Accademia delle Belle Arti of Venezia (Academy of Fine Arts in Venice), a bachelor degree holder in Literature from the University of Padova and a former Art School teacher, Lina Sari has been working with an extensive range of mediums and techniques for over 40 years. Feeding off a wide spectrum of influences Sari has had numerous collaborations with renowned artists and writers among whom Mario Schifani, Giosetta Fioroni, Goffredo Parise, Erri de Luca, Andrea Zanzotto and Guido Ceronetti. Sari investigates the philosophical nature of painting while still honoring the authenticity and spontaneity of the act itself. This results in works pregnant with meaning and poetry. Her philosophy is ever so present in this exhibition, INCLINAZIONI. It is with this solo exhibition that Sari debuts in Japan, a country for which she has always held deep fascination, mainly thanks to the writer Goffredo Parise. It is he who introduced Sari to the word iki thirty years ago. Sari’s works have been exhibited throughout Italy and several other European countries and currently belong to various public and private collections.
(Lina Sari above right Design Festa Gallery reception))
Design Festa English Blog
Catwalk Gowns – New from Sascha’s Designs & Ovation Jul 21st, 2012 by Aldouspi
Catwalk Gowns – New from Sascha’s Designs & Ovation
Catwalk Gowns – New from Sascha’s Designs & Ovation related articles from the blogosphere… Sometimes we can only imagine have a catwalk worthy gown or we can play a game about it Catwalk gown game here: Gown Catwalk Dress Up 7/21/12
(No Ratings Yet). Loading … Gown Catwalk Dress Up Game, For Girls Dresses Games. catwalk , dress up games, dresses, dressup, dresup, …
Find Christian Dior Gowns and other great garments at this fashion show in Paris: Big Name Designers Light up the Catwalk at Paris Haute Couture … 7/20/12
The fabrics, unique designs and the fact that these gowns are one of a kind, makes this fashion week even more unique and full of fun. Check out some of the best moments on the catwalk from the Paris Haute Couture …
I guessing that because Jessica Simpson is getting married, is the reason she is adding Bridal Gowns to her fashion line. Read about it here: Jessica Simpson to design wedding dresses | Catwalk Queen 7/10/12
Jessica Simpson is expanding her ever-increasing fashion empire further to include wedding dresses …
SASCHA’s DESIGNS brings us Sassebas in six different versions which are sold individually but with a price of only L$ 99 each you’ll want them all and have fun mixing the skirt styles with the different shawls, some not shown here. The LM above will take you directly to all the versions of Sassebas.
The poses are the latest “She” set from OVATION and available individually at the regular price or for a limited time as a set…all six poses for the price of 4.
SL Fashion Files
Catwalk Gowns For Sale [phpbay]catwalk gown, 10, “”, “”[/phpbay] [phpbay]model gown, 5, “”, “”[/phpbay]
Wedding dress catwalk parade
Melbourne Bride Wedding Expo catwalk parade featuring Annette of Melbourne, Melbourne Vic Australia. See more at
2012 ,
42 ,
a ,
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Act ,
Ade ,
Adi ,
Ake ,
Ally ,
Amp ,
Anchor ,
application ,
Art ,
Arti ,
Article ,
Ash ,
Asi ,
Asin ,
Ass ,
Atc ,
Australia ,
b ,
Bas ,
Beach ,
Bec ,
Because ,
Bes ,
Best ,
Blank ,
blog ,
Blogg ,
blogger ,
Blogosphere ,
blogs ,
Blogspot ,
both ,
Bp ,
Br ,
bridal ,
Bride ,
Bring ,
Bu ,
C ,
Cal ,
Cat ,
Catwalk Gowns ,
catwalk parade ,
Caus ,
celebrity ,
Ces ,
Check ,
Chris ,
Christian ,
Christian Dior ,
Ck ,
class ,
Coco ,
Color ,
Conte ,
Couture ,
Cr ,
d ,
Desig ,
design ,
designer ,
designers ,
Designs ,
different ,
different shawls ,
different versions ,
Dior ,
Dress ,
dress catwalk parade ,
Dresses ,
E ,
each ,
Eba ,
Ela ,
Embed Src ,
Emerald ,
Eos ,
Era ,
Etf ,
Ev ,
Eve ,
even ,
Ew ,
Expanding ,
Expo catwalk parade ,
f ,
Fab ,
Fabric ,
Fabrics ,
Fact ,
family ,
Fashio ,
fashion ,
Fashion Line ,
Fashion Show ,
Fashion Week ,
Featuring ,
Fi ,
File ,
Find ,
Flash ,
Fo ,
Font ,
Fr ,
From ,
Fun ,
Fur ,
g ,
Game ,
games ,
Garment ,
Garments ,
Geo ,
Getting ,
Ght ,
Girl ,
Girls ,
Girls Dresses ,
Gl ,
Goo ,
Google ,
gown ,
Gr ,
great ,
Guess ,
h ,
H2 ,
Hall ,
Heck ,
Here ,
Hp ,
i ,
Ign ,
Image ,
Imagine ,
Img ,
Imp ,
Indi ,
Ing ,
Ip ,
Iy ,
Jessica ,
Jessica Simpson ,
Jpg ,
k ,
Kel ,
Kind ,
Kw ,
l ,
Large ,
Lash ,
Late ,
Latest ,
Left ,
life ,
Light ,
Limited ,
Limited Time ,
Lina ,
Line ,
Lm ,
Logo ,
Logos ,
Logs ,
Lt ,
Ly ,
m ,
Mage ,
Maps ,
Married ,
Melbourne ,
Melbourne Vic Australia ,
men ,
Met ,
Mixing ,
Ml ,
Model ,
Mom ,
moment ,
more ,
Movie ,
Mp ,
Mu ,
n ,
name ,
Nett ,
o ,
Om ,
Only ,
Ot ,
other ,
Ovation ,
p ,
Par ,
para ,
Param Name ,
Paris ,
Php ,
Pi ,
Pir ,
Pl ,
play ,
Pose ,
Poses ,
Post ,
Ppl ,
Pta ,
Queen ,
r ,
Ra ,
Rad ,
Rat ,
Read ,
Reason ,
regular price ,
Related Art ,
Related Articles ,
Rent ,
ride ,
Right ,
Ring ,
rings ,
Rt ,
Ru ,
s ,
S1600 ,
Sale ,
Sascha's ,
Sass ,
Sassebas.The poses ,
Screen ,
Secondlife ,
Shaw ,
Shock ,
Show ,
shown ,
Sign ,
signs ,
Sim ,
Simply ,
Sin ,
Skirt ,
skirt styles ,
Sol ,
some ,
sometimes ,
Spa ,
Sphere ,
Spot ,
Ss ,
Strong ,
Style ,
Styles ,
t ,
Tac ,
Take ,
Target ,
Ted ,
Tent ,
Ter ,
Text ,
these ,
this ,
Time ,
Times ,
Tin ,
Tp ,
Tron ,
True ,
Tube ,
tv ,
Type ,
u ,
Unique Designs ,
v ,
value ,
Version ,
video ,
Videos ,
want ,
watch ,
Wave ,
Ways ,
wedding ,
Wedding Dress ,
week ,
Wit ,
Worth ,
worthy ,
Ww ,
Youtub ,