Double Coco Cola Pin-ups Plus More Double Pin-ups
Oct 9th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Double Coco Cola Pin-ups

Pin-up Cartoon
Image by Luiz Fernando / Sonia Maria
Montagens de Pin Ups do Ilustrador Edward D’Ancona com Logos e Produtos da Marca Coca Cola – Criação de Luiz Fernando Reis !!!

Conheça Meu Site de Matemática:

Pin-up Cartoon
Image by Luiz Fernando / Sonia Maria
Montagens de Pin Ups do Ilustrador Edward D’Ancona com Logos e Produtos da Marca Coca Cola – Criação de Luiz Fernando Reis !

Conheça Meu Site de Matemática:

Double Pin-up For Sale

[phpbay]double pinup, 21, “1”, “”[/phpbay]

Double Coco Cola Pin-ups Plus More Double Pin-ups related articles from the blogosphere…

A Lovely Pinup and Double Coverup by Steve | Witch City Ink

A pretty blonde lady that was tattooed on a pretty blonde lady, and a large double-cover up sleeve.

Publish Date: 10/10/2011 12:32

Double Threat KELLY EDEN | 53deluxe

This week we have a dual featured artist/pinup…the amazingly talented double threat, Kelly Eden. Petite with a dynamic presence. Fashion with an artists twist into an intriguing dream world. This gorgeous pink bombshell

Publish Date: 09/26/2011 19:36

The Musings and Adventures of a Pinup Mama: Weekend Cinema

I came across "Between Two Worlds" and was immediately captivated by not only the storyline but the characters themselves. It's very rare these days to find a modern film that really gets into the story so its worth diving into

Publish Date: 07/30/2011 22:49

1950’s Pin Up Rockabilly Double Winged Eyes – Makeup – Aubrey London This is a quick and easy tutorial of how to achieve the double winged eyeliner that is so popular these days. It is great for going out and for makeup that is out of your normal everyday look, Hope you girls like it! Purchase th…

More Coca Cola Pin-up Plus Soda Pin-ups
Aug 9th, 2011 by Aldouspi

More Coca Cola Pin-up Plus Soda Pin-ups

Coca 1062
Pin-up Cartoon
Image by Luiz Fernando / Sonia Maria
Montagens de Logos Coca Cola com Pin-Ups !!!. Essas Montagens não são propagandas oficiais da Marca Coca Cola.
São Montagens feitas no meu bom amigo PhotoShop !!!

Coca 1061
Pin-up Cartoon
Image by Luiz Fernando / Sonia Maria
Montagens de Logos Coca Cola com Pin-Ups !!!. Essas Montagens não são propagandas oficiais da Marca Coca Cola.
São Montagens feitas no meu bom amigo PhotoShop !!!

Coca 1057
Pin-up Cartoon
Image by Luiz Fernando / Sonia Maria
Montagens de Logos Coca Cola com Pin-Ups !!!. Essas Montagens não são propagandas oficiais da Marca Coca Cola.
São Montagens feitas no meu bom amigo PhotoShop !!!

Soda Pin-up For Sale

[phpbay]soda pinup, 18, “”, “”[/phpbay]

More Coca Cola Pin-up Plus Soda Pin-up related articles from the blogosphere…

PinUp Soda Pop 50s Girl Adult Costume – In Stock : About Costume Shop

About Costume Shop PinUp Soda Pop 50s Girl Adult Costume – This pinup soda pop 50's girl adult costume includes a hat, a dress, an apron, and will make the guys want some refreshments.

Publish Date: 08/02/2011 19:52

Rolf Armstrong Art Deco Kist Soda Pin-Up Advertisement – ephemera

Up for bid on eBay is an antique, framed pair of original early 1930s Jazz-age Rolf Armstrong advertising labels, tipped on a black background. "A dazzling pair of Art Deco original Soda Advertising Americana advertising

Publish Date: 12/27/2010 22:54

Visual Pleasures

Playful, paradoxical and full of technical finesse, Wells offers not only visual pleasures, but stimulating food for thought with her Pop icons of ice cream, soda and pin up queens. Fitting neatly into an art historical

Publish Date: 08/08/2011 2:04

Americana II-Pin-Ups, Soda Pop & Bobby Socks.m4v

Just fun,…this slideshow, music and images are for the pure pleasure of art for art’s sake and I stand to benefit nothing.

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