The Pin-Up Art of Humorama Plus More Humorama Cartoons
Aug 27th, 2011 by Aldouspi

The Pin-Up Art of Humorama

During the 1950s, under the Humorama banner, Abe Goodman churned out scores of cheap digest-sized magazines that featured cheesecake photos and single panel pin-up cartoons. The digests featured the likes of Playboy’s Jack Cole, Archie’s Dan DeCarlo and glamour girl legend Bill Ward. In addition to these three pin-up cartooning luminaries, other notable who contributed to the pages of the Humorama digests included longtime illustrator Jefferson Machamer; Basil Wolverton, who influenced a genera

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The Pin-Up Art of Humorama Plus More Humorama Cartoons related articles from the blogosphere…

this isn't happiness™ (Humorama)

Disappointment™ · Powered by Peteski · Google Minus Hate it. → CLOSE. reblog. Humorama · → Best Unusual Photography Posts 319 notes. ← LESS MORE → IS · → other curators · IMPORTANT: image caption contains link to source.

Publish Date: 07/12/2011 8:40

Humorama: Casa Nova Sex to Sexty cartoons and gags

Collected Articles on the artists who sold work to the Humorama Line of Digest Pin Up Magazines in the 1950s and 1960s by Jim Linderman of Vintage Sleaze the Blog. Casa Nova Sex to Sexty cartoons and gags. Need a book for summer

Publish Date: 08/25/2011 16:54

Jefferson Machamer, Humorama Comedy, January 1954 | Flickr

COMEDY RIOT, FAST AND LIVELY ENTERTAINMENT PLENTY OF FUN! Established 1941 Vol. 4 No. 22 January 1954 25¢ COMEDY is published every other month by Humorama, Inc., 655 Madison Avenue, New York, 21,

Publish Date: 08/07/2011 12:39

The Pin-Up Art of Humorama – video preview

The Pin-Up Art of Humorama by various artists; edited by Alex Chun; designed by Jacob Covey 216-page duotone 5.75″ x 7.75″ softcover • $19.99 ISBN: 978-1-56097-959-3 During the 1950s, Abe Goodman — brother of Marvel Comics publi…

Humorama: Who was Humorama Harry Jones?

Collected Articles on the artists who sold work to the Humorama Line of Digest Pin Up Magazines in the 1950s and 1960s by Jim Linderman of Vintage Sleaze the Blog. Who was Humorama Harry Jones? Harry Richards Jones sold work to

Publish Date: 06/02/2011 0:00

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