I Do Not Understand Modern Art Jan 12th, 2016 by Aldouspi
Art is a human creative skill, demonstrated through imaginative designs, sounds, or ideas. Art and artistic skills have been integral to our Histories. Events, life styles, and the other prevalent things, were all depicted through the various art forms of the times. Art has been evolving with thoughts, ideas, events, times, and technological developments, and is the father of today’s Graphical Illusions.
The Ancient History of Art dates back to as many as 2 million years ago, to the Stone Age. The first Stone Tools used to create impressions, can be said to be the initial ideas of Art. Ancient Art is actually a symbolic representation of information about the life styles and the representation of facts by the people of those times, who framed a strong ground for Art. Since then, Art has been transforming to accommodate the changes and the improvements of every era to suit connoisseurs’ tastes and ideas.
History of Art. Prior to taking up the Modern Art Concepts, lets take a look at the different art ages:
o Pre Historic Art / Paleolithic (2million years ago – 13000B.C)
o Ancient Art (from 3000 B.C – 331 B.C)
o Medieval to Early Renaissance Art (373 B.C – 1453 A.D)
o Renaissance to Early Modern Art (1453 – 1800 A.D)
o Pre Modern Art (1800 – 1880 A.D)
o Modern Art (1880 – 1945 A.D)
o Contemporary Art (1945 – Present age)
History of Modern Art started with Impressionism as its main frame and continued its revolution with the gradual additions and the deletions in the second half of 19th century. New art styles and movements disappeared at an increasingly fast pace, reflecting the growing rate of changes in our society.
The Impressionist painters preferred to paint outdoors and studied the effect of light on the objects, creating wonderful arts such as, landscapes and scenes from daily life. This trend continued until 1905. Then the present day thinkers added impressive, vivid colors to the Modern Arts, thereby bringing pictures into life. They called it Fauvism. Expressionists followed Fauvism in 1979. Expressionism was a kind of German Modern Art version of Fauvism, conveying its expressions.
The second movement of Modern revolution brought Expressionism, Art Nouveau, and Art Deco Movements. They were new Arts concepts with highly decorative style, dedicated to natural art forms. Art Deco was primarily a design style popular in 1920-1930’s, which is a follow up of Art Nouveau. These art forms showed their domination in the mass production of Fashion, Furniture, Jewelry, Textiles, Architecture, Commercial Print Making, and Interior Decorations.
Modern Art Movement III was another revolutionary movement of Modern Art, which was majorly restricted to paintings and sculptures. Nevertheless, it had vital influence on the development of Modern Art. Cubism came, where images were converted into cubes, or other geographical forms, followed by Surrealism, emphasizing the unconscious & the importance of dreams, and finally came the Abstract Art, which was creating art with several abstracts joining.
Pop Art Movement and Optical Art Movement (OP Art) came into picture after debating with Abstract Artists, as these artists considered Abstract Arts as too sophisticated and elite for the general masses to understand. The Pop Art and the Optical Art Artists brought art back into the daily lives of people through Simple Sketches, Comics, and Picture Arts, as seen naturally in daily life. Optical Art was again a transformation of art into reduced geographical forms, sometimes in Black & White contrast and sometimes in brilliant, contrast colors.
Modern Art period is the era where forms change to different levels, beyond Manual Paintings to Photography eventually. The art revolution continues in the current Pro-modern Art/ Contemporary Art period with the art forms changing to Visual Graphics and 3D animations.
My name is Annette Labedzki. I am a Canadian abstract painter. I have been a full time artist for the last 25 years.
I was born in St. Paul’s Hospital in Vancouver, B.C. A few years later we moved to Winnipeg, Manitoba, where I spent my childhood and early adulthood.
I remember the first award I received was in Art class in grade 10. The superintendent of the Winnipeg School Board bought one of my paintings! I was so excited!
I received my BFA at Emily Carr College of Art and Design and spent another year studying philosophy at The University of British Columbia. During this time my husband learned English, drove a taxi, received his BMLS degree (Bachelor of Medical Lab. Sciences) and received his DMD degree (dentist).
Another award I received was First Prize at the Pacific Northwest Annual Show at the University of Oregon, U.S.A. It is in their private collection.
I have a web site in which I am able to invite other artists. The address is http://www.labedzki-art.com – This is also a wonderful site for art collectors to buy original work at great prices. —- Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Annette_Labedzki/252070
Books About Modern Art
Buy this TITLE: What Are You Looking At?: The Surprising, Shocking, and Sometimes Strange Story of 150 Years of Modern Art
For skeptics, art lovers, and the millions of us who visit art galleries every year—and are confused—What Are You Looking At? by former director of London’s Tate Gallery Will Gompertz is a wonderfully lively, accessible narrative history of Modern Art, from Impressionism to the present day. What is modern art? Who started it? Why do we either love it or loathe it? And why is it such big money? Join BBC Arts Editor Will Gompertz on a dazzling tour that will change the way you look at modern art forever. From Monet’s water lilies to Van Gogh ’s sunflowers, from Warhol’s soup cans to Hirst’s pickled shark, hear the stories behind the masterpieces, meet the artists as they really were, and discover the real point of modern art. You will learn: not all conceptual art is bollocks; Picasso is king (but Cézanne is better); Pollock is no drip; Dali painted with his moustache; a urinal changed the course of art; why your 5-year-old really couldn’t do it.
Refreshing, irreverent and always straightforward, What Are You Looking At? cuts through the pretentious art speak and asks all the basic questions that you were too afraid to ask. Your next trip to the art gallery is going to be a little less intimidating and a lot more interesting. With his offbeat humor, down-to-earth storytelling, and flair for odd details that spark insights, Will Gompertz is the perfect tour guide for modern art. His book doesn’t tell us if a work of art is good; it gives us the knowledge to decide for ourselves.
Buy this TITLE: Modern Art in the Common Culture
Prominent art historian Thomas Crow shows that the connections between avant-garde art and modern mass culture have always been necessary to both. Crow recounts vivid episodes involving Jackson Pollock, Andy Warhol, Christopher Williams, and many others, arriving at fresh and original insights into modern art and its place in late 20th-century culture. 37 color and 54 b&w illustrations.
=> News and Video About Modern Art Below
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News About Modern Art
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The World Ends With You And Art by Tetsuya Nomura Nov 14th, 2011 by Aldouspi
The World Ends With You And Art by Tetsuya Nomura
Modern art style created by a team of artists led by Tetsuya Nomura, world-renowned character designer of the upcoming Fabula Nova Crystallis project Innovative Stride-Cross Battle System allows players to control two characters simultaneously, unleashing special attacks with the stylus Collect a vast array of custom-designed pins, each with a powerful psychic ability that can be activated with the right touch or sound command Customize characters with Shibuya’s coolest fashions and exchange items with other players via Mingle Mode while experiencing an amazing soundtrack combining a fusion of musical influences from hip-hop to rock and electronica Battle with up to three friends in Tin Pin Slammer, an exciting and fast-paced mini-game, via local wireless connection Features include:
•Modern art style created by a team of artists led by Tetsuya Nomura, world-renowned character designer of the upcoming Fabula Nova Crystallis project•Innovative Stride-Cross Battle System allows players to control two characters simultaneously, unleashing special attacks with the stylus •Collect a vast array of custom-designed pins, each with a powerful psychic ability that can be activated with the right touch or sound command
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