Sitting on a Monster Pin-up by Jerry Carr
Feb 9th, 2015 by Aldouspi

From Jerry Carr – cartoonist come this delight artwork of a pin-up girl sitting a monster watching flying pigs…

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Pin Up and Cartoon Girls

A Bit About Flying Pigs

“The time has come,” the walrus said, “To speak of many things,
“Of ships and shoes and ceiling wax,
“Of cabbages and kings,
“And whether the seas are boiling hot and whether pigs have wings.” – Lewis Carroll

Flying pigs are a fantastic image for endless optimism and belief that all things are possible, so to decorate your home or room with flying pigs is to fill your home with good cheer, positive thoughts, and a delightful sense of whimsy.

The origin of the flying pig dates back to the 17th century, when the phrase was a sarcastic response to any overly optimistic prediction: “Oh yes, and pigs might fly!” Meaning that when the chubby and notably not very aerodynamic pig takes to the air, clearly all the limitations of dull pragmatism are off, and anything could happen! “When pigs fly, I will marry your daughter.”

Oh,the wonderful stories about pigs… I remember, years and years ago, a really charming story about a flying pig named Clementina… a delightful story. Pigs are lovely characters except for bad tempered old sows, which can be scary. But you’ve got to love a silly young piglet…

    Monster Pin-up Art For Sale

    [phpbay]monster pinup, 22, “”, “”[/phpbay]

Flying Pig Goes for a Flight I’ll shop at when Pigs Fly! We hear this sentence all the time. That’s why we were so happy to fin…

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Monster Pin-ups For Sale
Apr 14th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Monster Pin-ups For Sale on eBay:

[phpbay]monster Pinup, 21, “”, “”[/phpbay]

Monster Pin-ups For Sale related articles from the blogosphere…

INK IT UP: INK IT UP : Emily "Mummys Little Monster" Thomas

Some of the common themes in my work are pinups, tattoos, hotrods and monsters. I would say I’m definitely heavily influenced by the psychobilly subculture actually most subcultures in general. I’ve always liked being a part of …

Publish Date: 03/09/2011 12:35

Go-Go Godzilla! An Interview w/ Monster Artist Aaron Klopp

Another idea that I have is to adapt the Monster Fights into a zine or mini-comic featuring a mix of pinups, monster stat pages, and strung throughout, a little comic storyline set in the old Toho mode. I would definitely be interested …

Publish Date: 04/04/2011 5:30

My Brainchild: Monster Pin-ups!!

I finished a fun new project this morning. I have taken some classic pin-up art by Peter Driben and altered it digitally to create my own “Monster Pin-ups“! I’ve done a zombie, devil, and Bride of Frankenstein so far. …

Publish Date: 07/28/2009 18:54

The Art of Pin-up Girls

The art of vintage pin-up girls. “Summerboy”-Lady Gaga from the album: The Fame

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