Marilyn Monroe in Swimsuit by Car
Jan 29th, 2024 by Aldouspi

Here is a lovely photo print of movie star and sex symbol Marilyn Monroe wearing a swimsuit and standing in front of a vintage 1950’s-era car. There is an irresistible beauty that emanates from the actress that has transcended time. My heart stay still… I think Marilyn Monroe is marvelous! Did you notice the protruding shades over the car’s front windshield? Nowadays, we just tint the front car window at the top! I have studied the photo for a long time…

A photo print of this image of Marilyn and her car and loveliness is available from my store on eBay. Click on the image or the link below the photograph to find out more…


Sometimes you were
The girl next door
And sometimes,
The hottest gal in town.

Your sexuality went
From innocent
To burning
Across one frame
Of flickering film
To the next.

For millions, you were
A secret desire
Revealed on the screen
To be seduced in dreams
And fantasies –
A pleasant haze
Of hormones produced
To escape
A weary world.

All these years later,
After you left,
Your talent still projects
A burning light to us
Like the star you were
And are.

©2024 Carl Scott Harker, author of Samurai Weapons

Marilyn Monroe in Swimsuit in Front of a Car

You can purchase a copy of this photo print on eBay here: Marilyn Monroe in Swimsuit!


News About Marilyn Monroe

The Last Days of Marilyn Monroe
Available on Amazon

News via Google. See more news matching 'Marilyn Monroe'

Sexy Marta Toren featured on Picturegoer magazine
Nov 18th, 2019 by Aldouspi

Here is a vintage picture from the cover of Picturegoer magazine of Märta Torén, a Swedish stage and film actress of the 1940s and 1950s. She starred in “Sirocco” along with Humphrey Bogart as well as in many other movies.


A sultry Marta Toren on the cover of Picturegoer magazine, 1951. 

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